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They want to dial Hanychová, people think – eXtra.cz

Source: Tomáš Martínek/eXtra.cz/Herminapress


There have been rumors in the backroom for some time that Jaromír Soukup has a new discovery. Although it was widely speculated that the fallen media mogul was to form a couple with model Dominika Mesarošová, he shocked the public when he arrived at the Clash of the Stars 9 tournament alongside Eva Feuereislová aka Plastic Queen. However, fans on the Internet are of the opinion that this is a fake relationship in order to mix up a common enemy in the form of Agáta Hanychová. What does he say about that?

Jaromír Soukup has caused quite a stir lately. Former TV owner Barrandov made an expected appearance at Clash of the Stars 9 on Saturday. But it is interesting what kind of accompaniment he chose for the gala evening of bizarre matches. Soukup arrived at the Fortuna sports hall in Prague alongside the silicone star of the reality show VyVolení Eva Feuereislová alias Plastic Queen.

The controversial queen of plastic surgery, who is proud of her huge silicones, did not move a step away from the wealthy businessman. If Jaromír told her something, she hung on his lips admiringly. They then went home hand in hand, making it clear that they were definitely not just friends.

Relationship at face value?

As soon as word got out that Soukup appeared alongside Feuereisl, people immediately started discussing whether they were just taking advantage of the media and fans. “After all, it’s just a game,” says one of the users on Instagram. It’s no secret that Eva is a well-known provocateur who at the same time can’t think of a name Agatha Hanychováand so the provocation in the form of trouble with Soukup would be very useful to her.

Soukup, who until recently was flying around the courts due to the custody of his daughter Rozárka, would certainly not have forgiven the opportunity to turn his ex-partner on its head. Duo Soukup & Feuereislová is thus the ideal combination to stir up the waters. Another possibility that people also mention is that Soukup arranged with Feuereislova to protect the beginnings of his relationship with ​Dominika Mesarošová from the public and divert attention from her.

Video: Jaromír Soukup on Clash of the Stars 9, interview with Filip Grznár:

Hanychova’s reaction

Agáta herself reacted to Soukup’s alleged romance with Plastic Queen, who answered eXtra.cz’s question very briefly: “I don’t say anything about it at all” replied the influencer, who has been refusing to comment on Feuereisl for a long time, with icy calmness. It’s a waste of time for her.

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