Home » today » World » They want the recusal of judge Bohdana Zhelyavska because he serves the monopolist CEZ – 2024-08-26 23:49:46

They want the recusal of judge Bohdana Zhelyavska because he serves the monopolist CEZ – 2024-08-26 23:49:46

/ world today news/ With the request to the chairman of the SGS, issued with entry No. 53518, today, 24/04/2017, requests the recusal of judge Zhelyavska, who served the corporate interests of CEZ.


Dear Mr. President,

If there is no magistrate in the Sofia City Court who does not show a biased tendency in favor of the monopolist CEZ – a defendant under c.d. No. 9662 according to the CGS inventoryCivil Department, 3rd building, for 2014, I ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND HIS PROCEEDINGS to restore confidence in the Bulgarian justice system and resolve the case within ‘reasonable time’ as required by the CPC, ECHR, EU law and the existing already judicial practice in our country – TR of the Supreme Court in cases against unscrupulous energy monopolists!

The above request to the chairman of SGS Kaloyan Topalov is addressed by our author – the publicist Dr. Radko Khandzhiev, who for the third year the court refuses to proceed with his claim against the monopolist CEZ.

With its application, administered with entry No. 53518 on April 24, 2017, Dr. Khandzhiev also wants the chairman of the SGS to make a proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings against judge Bogdana Zhelyavska, as well as the recusal of Judge Zhelyavska, because of: presentsNot with flagrant cynicism on prescriptions as the law has not prescribed; putsNot under conditions of his procedural obligation to prepare a draft report on the case; criedhi vs the lawyer of Khandzhiev, in his impotence to give a reasoned and lawful answer to those raised with legal arguments questions; exposesnot on unfaithful and manipulative statements...”

Thus, Judge Zhelyavska indirectly supports the realization of the goals of the defendant-monopolist CEZ, namely, that Radko Khandzhiev reach a “natural path” to a fatal outcome after being disabled by CEZ. And a magistrate who manipulates the course of the case in such a way indirectly contributes to the possible death of the plaintiff – SHOULD NOT SERVE JUSTICE!

It may seem shocking to some, but such is the practice of criminal organizations. The covers of the case indicate 33 specific cases of threats against Khandzhiev, by persons connected with CEZ, for the period January 2010-June 2012, incl. threats against life his; specific data are given on some of the most drastic violations by CEZ of regulations and directives of the European Union, as well as of the judicial practice already established in our country. It was the reality of CEZ’s attempts to speed up the physical elimination of Dr. Khandzhiev that provoked journalist Georgi Gotev, deputy. editor-in-chief of EurActiv in Brussels, to publish the alarming text: “CEZ sentenced journalist to death” (http://www.duma.bg/node/42139).

Gotev also published a text with similar content in EurActiv (http://reuniting-europe.blogactive.eu/2012/10/28/cez-condems-critical-journalist-to-freeze-in-the-dark/) The opinion of the European Commission on the case, quoted by Gotev, is: “No one should be without electricity in winter!”

We remind you that Radko Khandzhiev has been without electricity for eight years after he published the investigation in October 2008 in the Bulgarian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique “Is there a robbery at CEZ”(http://bg.mondediplo.com/article324.html).

We invite fellow journalists, members of the public and all those who are groaning under the boot of CEZ to attend today, April 24, 2017, at the Courthouse, where the request for the removal of Judge Zheliavska will be considered at 3 p.m. (SGSCivil Department, 3rd building, gr.d. № 9662/14)

Court sessions are public!


And here is the request itself:


Mr. Kaloyan Tofellthis one

Chairman of the SGS


by Dr. Radko Lyubenov Khandzhiev, ID number 4401206929, plaintiff under

city No. 9662 according to the inventory of the State Register of Deputies for 2014, op. for 3 p.m. on 24/04/2017

Dear Mr. President,

If there is no magistrate in the Sofia City Court who does not show a biased tendency in favor of the monopolist CEZ – the defendant in the above case, PLEASE TAKE ON HIS PROCEEDINGS in order to restore confidence in the Bulgarian justice system and resolve the case in “reasonable terms” as required by the norms of the Code of Civil Procedure, ECHR, EU legislation and in accordance with the existing judicial practice in our country – TR of the Supreme Court in cases against unscrupulous energy monopolists!

I am making the above request based on the following:

Proceeding from consideration of the above city case on base Art. 22, para. 1, item 6 of the Civil Code, judge Bojana Zhelyazkova on the merits CONFESSED, that there are circumstances giving rise to reasonable doubts about her impartiality! (Determination of 09/08/2016, Minutes of the Administrative Court of 09/08/2016 under Civil Code No. 9662/14, page 1, line 3-2 section).

With his confession, the reasonable doubts until then gain the force of facts, proving what we claim commission of active and passive illegal actions by judge Bojana Zhelyazkova to the detriment of the plaintiff and in the interest of the defendant monopolist CEZ.

We remind you that twenty-six (26) months after the initiation of the case, the court did not perform any of the procedural actions it is required to do by law. After the recusal of Judge Zhelyazkova, the case was assigned in September 2016 to Judge Bohdana Zhelyavska.

It turns out that a judge Bojana Zhelyazkova and a judge Bohdana Zhelyavska are in the official relationship of “related persons”. From the Protocol for the selection of a reporter dated 03.07.2014, it is established that it was Bohdana Zhelyavska who assigned the case to Bozhana Zhelyazkova. (sheet 1) It is difficult to rule out the well-founded assumption that after Judge Zhelyazkova did not cope with the “task” and was forced to resign due to the fact that she was serving the criminal organization CEZ; the case “accidentally” turns out to be assigned to the “guarantor” Zhelyavska, who will continue it “according to the instructions”.

The fact is that 7 (seven) months after taking over the case, Judge Zhelyavska did not perform a single procedural action to remove the vices caused by the active and passive illegal actions of the sole chairman of the previous 9th panel to the detriment of the plaintiff and in the interest of the defendant, and to start the proceedings from the beginning, this time “within reasonable time”. Judge Zhelyavska does the opposite: p flagrant cynicism presents prescriptions that the law has not prescribed; conditions its procedural obligation to prepare a draft report on the case; threatens the plaintiff’s attorneyin his impotence to give a reasoned and lawful answer to the questions raised; makes false statements.

How can he accept illegible handwriting as a command in the upper right corner of the “Reporter Selection Protocol” dated 07/03/2014 on page 1? There is no such order. This illegible manuscript has no author, does not contain any of the required requisites of a judicial act, nor was it entered at the time in the relevant place in the bound and numbered book body of the case, which gives rise to the reasonable doubt that it was added during or after the request on appeal by judge Zhelyazkova. Moreover, if it advocates such a position, the court should search for the relevant act, objectify it properly in writing with a relevant circumstantial part, findings, legal conclusions, i.e. reasons and a corresponding dispositive provision and hand it over to us with an indication of the deadline and to which body we can appeal it. And there is no such act! Judge Zheliavska’s assertion about the existence of such is FALSE and MANIPULATIVE.

Here’s what illegible handwriting is:

This text can also be deciphered as: “order for Auschwitz terminal terminal”, after reasonable suspicions were confirmed that dragging out the case for years judge Zhelyazkova indirectly supports the realization of the goals of the defendant-monopolist CEZ – namely, for the plaintiff to reach a “natural path” to a fatal outcome after being reduced to 91% disability. Moving on the commission of the active and passive illegal acts, started by judge Zhelyazkova, Judge Zheljavska also showed bias towards the defendant – the criminal organization CEZ, which helps to realize its ultimate goal.

Such a magistrate, who manipulates the course of the case and in this way indirectly supports a possible fatal outcome of the plaintiff – SHOULD NOT DELIVER JUSTICE!

Hence, and in view of your powers under Art. 312 para. 1 item 1 of the Civil Code,

REQUEST: (1) to make proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings against judge Bogdana Zhelyavska on base Art. 308 paragraph 1, item 6 of the Civil Code; we also make an urgent request in accordance with Art. 22 paragraph 1 item 6 judge Bojana Zhelyazkova to be removed from consideration of the city. No. 9662/2014in order to open the way for the lawful development of the judicial proceedings in the above city case!

(2) to take over the proceedings of the present civil action to recover

confidence in the Bulgarian justice system and to resolve the case in “reasonable terms”, as required by the norms of the Code of Civil Procedure, ECHR, EU legislation and in accordance with the existing judicial practice in our country – TR of the Supreme Court in cases against unscrupulous energy monopolists!

Attached: a copy of the request for the recusal of Judge Zhelyavska;

Sofia, April 21, 2017. Sincerely,

P.P. I have asked Unicorp Publishing to send you a copy of the monographic investigation by registered mail Technology of Genocide. Documentary account of the crimes of CEZ”. given by the United Nations Economic and Social Council: “a form of commercial activity that uses threats, physical force or violence, robbery, coercion or corruption, as well as the supply of unfit goods and services” (Оrganized crime can be described as a form of economic commerce which uses threats, physical force and violence, extortion, intimidation or corruption, as well as supplying illicit goods and services – 1994 definition of the UN Economic and Social Council; in: Implementation of the Naples Political Declaration and Global Action Plan against Organized Transnational Crime, report of the SG, UN doc. E/CN.15/1996/2, p.7).

#recusal #judge #Bohdana #Zhelyavska #serves #monopolist #CEZ

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