Deputies of the Health Commission in Congress approved a I urge the Ministry of Health to launch a campaign to promote breastfeedinga to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
The deputy of Morena, Maria del Carmen Saavedra Fernandez, noted that the breast cancer accounts for 16 percent of known cancers and annually in Mexico six thousand women lose their lives due to this disease.
He highlighted that scientific studies have shown that breastfeeding reduces the risk of death from milk production, which reduces estrogen levels and causes women to have a better diet.
He stressed that the lmaternal actancia is one of the actions that is contributing to the prevention of this disease and According to the health authorities, it generates an 11 percent reduction in the risk of this disease.
Saavedra Fernández added that at the same time the dissemination of information among women to promote self-examination, as well as the practice of mastrographysa women over 40 years of age.