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They tried to kill Assoc. Prof. Mangarov, it is unbelievable what saved him

From the moment he stood in the spotlight and opposed the measures against the spread of the coronavirus, everyone held their breath.

Moreover – in the midst of the crisis, Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov became a star.

For some a rock star, for others – a black sheep. And at a time when things around his appearance in public seemed calm, Mangarov decided to enter politics.

And Bulgaria again split in two. Some with jubilant delight, “Hosanna!” And others with ferocious rage, “Crucify him!”

Now, a month after the elections and a month before the new ones, Mangarov does not seem appetizing to the media. During this short break, Marian Stankov-Mont-de-Talk talks to him, with the stipulation that they will not only talk about viruses and politics.

“I do not think I am interesting. I care very little about what people think of me. If we knew how little people thought about us, we wouldn’t have to worry about what they thought.

I don’t consider myself a rock star. But I’ve always been a black sheep. Because of this, I did not reach the heights of my scientific career.

For almost 8 years, my documents for a professor were thrown in the bin by the former dean. I can’t say that it doesn’t weigh on me, but this is a wall you can’t overcome, “he said.

Assoc. Prof. Mangarov believes that doctors have a place in politics, as they are most closely with ordinary people and are up to date with what is happening. He is of the opinion that if a person wants to be involved in politics, he should leave everything else that is impossible for doctors.

For the elections in July, the associate professor predicts that the scenario will be repeated. However, he does not know if he will participate in them.

“When politics is made by smart people, it can contribute and do a lot of good for people. However, when people enter politics because they are unemployed, it is disastrous. There is nothing worse than a poor politician, “he said.

Mangarov diagnosed the policy with the HIV virus and said it was difficult to treat.

“It did not offend me that I was not invited to Headquarters. It surprised me that it brought together people who had no competence in the matters they had to deal with.

It was important to maintain normalcy. This instillation of fear, these morning funeral statements, this was complete nonsense, this is anti-medical.

The most surprising thing was that it happened all over the world. The fact that a stupid thing is done all over the world does not make it less stupid “, Assoc. Prof. Mangarov thinks.

He said he broke up with his ex-wife, but that’s just the way it was. “They didn’t leave me soon,” he added.

According to him, he separated from his wife deliberately because things have passed certain limits at which two people can live together. “It’s just that at one point we started tearing each other’s nerves,” he said, revealing that their separation was 10 years ago.

Mangarov admitted that he fell in love again after this separation. “At the moment it can be said that I do not live alone. I have an intimate relationship with another person, but I will not talk about her,” he said.

The associate professor said he was afraid of death. “When my retina came off, I became like a turned off TV.”

More than 300 people have died in my arms and I’m not used to it. “You get the feeling that at some point there’s just nothing – emptiness.”

“My head is really thick. I was attacked some time ago, it was purposeful. I was unconscious. Then I went to a scanner and the man who made my scanner told me I survived because my skull bones were very thick.” he said.

“Ten years ago, my car tires were flat, I went down to change them and they hit me on the head. Women’s stories. I’m not a big lover. These people could have killed me,” Mangarov recalled, adding that being a cuckold was unpleasant.

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