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They survived the crises and her son is a great support for her. What kind of mother is Katarzyna Nosowska?

She is a star of the Polish music scene, he is a son who follows in her footsteps and fulfills his dreams. Katarzyna Nosowska and her only son, Mikołaj Krajewski, were guests on the couch of Dzień Dobry TVN on Sunday morning. Mother and son talked about their relationship and are about to start a joint project. What did they reveal?

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Katarzyna Nosowska about her relationship with her son, Mikołaj Krajewski

They perform on one stage, inspire each other and provide the greatest support. Now they are starting a new project, the podcast “Bliskoznani”. It will be based on the format of a conversation between mother and son about life, emotions, relationships, and the needs of the soul. “We are people who live and try to find their way in this life. Maybe it will be supportive and interesting for someone,” explained Katarzyna Nosowska. The first episode will be broadcast on April 21 at 5:30 p.m.

Mikołaj Krajewski is the only child of Katarzyna Nosowska, the fruit of the artist’s love with her former partner, musician Adam Krajewski. The singer passed on the most important values ​​to the child, taught her to speak openly about her emotions and views, and spread her love for music. Even as a little boy, Mikołaj often watched her from behind the scenes. After the birth of her son, the artist took him to concerts to be close to her. “I was breastfeeding naturally, so it was necessary for Mikołaj to be with me. Then he and his dad traveled with me and waited in the hotel. I would go on stage and sing a concert, the buffet would be full, and after the concert I would go to him with the signal to feed the baby. However, I do not think that this is an ideal environment for a child,” recalled Katarzyna Nosowska in an interview with Marcin Prokop and Damian Michałowski for Dzień Dobry TVN. Later, when she left for subsequent performances, little Mikołaj stayed at home with his father or grandmother. When she returned, she devoted all her time to her son. “I would be in terrible splits if I was at work. That’s why from a certain point I played concerts only on weekends,” she explained.

For Katarzyna Nosowska, her son is the most important person. She wants the best for him. However, she realizes that she made mistakes as a mother. Today she would do some things completely differently. “It seems to me that everything has a deeper meaning. Perhaps it’s my emotional helplessness, my lack of full understanding of what it means to raise a child. It was my first and only attempt, I had to make mistakes. Apparently it was meant to be, maybe it would have an impact he recognized on where he would ultimately land in life. […] I gave up many times,” she confessed.

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Katarzyna Nosowska with her son Mikołaj, 2006

Fot. Karol Makurat/REPORTER

Mikołaj Krajewski, Katarzyna Nosowska

What kind of mother is Katarzyna Nosowska?

In turn, Mikołaj pointed out that his mother had always been very caring. As a young boy, he saw a certain limitation in this. Over time, he began to understand his mother’s behavior – as a parent who would like to take care of the child and protect it from the world. “I stopped taking it personally as an attempt to limit me, I started taking it as an attempt to take care of me. It came with age,” he explained. Until a certain point, he did not pay attention to the fact that most people looked at Katarzyna Nosowska as a great artist. To him she was just mom. At school, people later found out whose son he was. The singer always kept him away from public life and the limelight, thanks to which he could have a quiet childhood.

When Mikołaj started performing on stage with his mother, he had the opportunity to observe people’s reactions from behind the scenes. He saw how they reacted to Katarzyna Nosowska and how she talked to them. “Then I saw what a great person she was outside of our home life. She has always been an amazing mother to me,” he confided in DD TVN. He felt proud, and then a completely different feeling took over him. He faced pressure that eventually led to internal conflict. “I felt great pride then, but at some point I also felt pressure. I was very depressed by the knowledge that I wanted to follow in my mother’s footsteps into music. On the one hand, I felt like I should do it, but on the other, I didn’t feel like I wanted to do it. Because of this, I forced myself and lived in internal conflict,” said Mikołaj Krajewski. He never used his mother’s popularity to achieve his goals.

Photo Lukasz Dejnarowicz / Forum

Katarzyna Nosowska and Mikołaj Krajewski discuss difficult topics in the podcast

In the Bliskoznani podcast, mother and son discuss real-life topics. No icing or embellishments. One of them will be the issue of Santa’s escape into various types of stimulants. “I’m not stupid and I know young people do different things. I was young once too. […] Moreover, the topic of addiction and escaping into non-existence to avoid confrontation with one’s own emotions is a topic that is present in our family. I know a lot about this subject. For Mikołaj, I can be supportive in this context. Obviously, no parent wants their child to have to look for an escape. Ultimately, this doesn’t lead to anything good. He respects a man who has his own path, a life mission to fulfill. However difficult it would be,” Katarzyna Nosowska said movingly. Then she added: “But it’s parental maturity to let your kid fall sometimes, then he builds himself up as a juicy, bloody human being.”

Mikołaj noted that his mother never approved of what he did, but she gave him something important – the feeling that she was close to him. Even when he made mistakes and was ashamed of himself, he was not afraid to come to his mother for help. “It helped me find the ground under my feet when I didn’t feel it. I was and am very grateful for that,” added the star’s son.

Mother and son are not ashamed to show each other affection. Every day they say to themselves – “I love you”. They both assume that you have to say these two words sometimes excessively, rather than regret not saying them.

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