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They stole her inheritance, strangled her dog and threatened her with death

This weekend at the mayor’s office Alvaro Obregon, colony La Angostura, a woman reported that criminals entered his house, stole 800,000 pesos from an inheritance he had received, murdered his dog and also left him a written threat in an armchair.

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The crime was recorded within the Research folder CI-FAO / AO-4 / UI-2 C / D / 00242 / 01-2020 of the Attorney General of Mexico City (FGJCDMX).

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According to the first reports, the events occurred on January 26, when the woman left her home around 06:30 hours to go to work. He was until noon in his labors; for When he returned home at around 3:00 pm, he found the lock of the house open.

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As soon as he entered, he knew they had stolen it. He found the open drawers, and all his belongings scrambled. Above the room was the body of his dog, a Maltese who was apparently strangled.

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He also found an intimidating message. “I already found you (….) I’m going to kill you by snout”, they wrote with down on one of the chairs.

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He also found the backpack where he had the money hidden. The suitcase had been left in the room, now with nothing. As the victim told the Public Ministry, the money had acquired it in November of last year thanks to an inheritance. Consequently, he said he did not know the reason for the threat and the identity of who could be intimidating it.

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Despite this, the agents found it suspicious that the criminals were only interested in taking the money, even though there were jewelry and electronic devices at home. To this is added the murder of the pet and the written threat.

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Surveillance cameras were not found at home or in the surrounding streets, so there is no information that can lead to criminals. On the other hand, the 59-year-old woman said there were very few people who knew about the existence of money; A couple of acquaintances and relatives.

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The woman, who went directly to the Public Ministry, only He provided the agents with his cell phone number in case he needed to contact her. In addition, he told them that the death threat was only intended to “divert the investigations”, but before the possibility of being killed he decided that he was going to move of residence so that the thieves did not locate it.

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By refusing to give the new address, the authorities decided to investigate in parallel the victim in order to rule out possible criminal record.

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The neighbors told authorities that the woman was very reserved and barely spoke with them. On the day of the robbery, none of them noticed anything strange. In consecuense, The agents still have no clues.

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Álvaro Obregón, at the siege of the narco

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Mayor’s office Alvaro Obregon in Mexico City, it is under siege of armed clashes between groups of drug dealers fighting to Take control of drug sales, extortion and kidnapping. Derived from these attacks on demarcation 25 young people have been killed from November last year to January 2020.

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The last confrontation occurred on Saturday, January 11 in the colony Olivar del Conde. According to the research folder FAO / AO-2 / UI-3S / D / 19769 / 01-2020 consulted by The universal, two young people were riding a motorcycle to a drug outlet. There, a member of the rival group pretended to be a client. When he had the two men in front he shot them four times. Already on the ground, he and others gave him a coup de grace and then fled aboard a compact vehicle.

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The two victims, who were engaged in drug trafficking, had been threatened four days before, witnesses said. Members of the adversary criminal cell demanded that they stop selling drugs for The Master and they will start working with The Canchola

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