Scabies can spread even if the carrier has no symptoms. Some people spread scabies very efficiently.
Scabies infections have increased significantly, for example in the Helsinki region to the point of an epidemic.
Scabies may also be completely symptomless, says dermatologist specialist, professor of dermatology, emerita Erna Snellman.
According to him, the absence of symptoms can be common.
– These asymptomatic carriers are unknowingly spreading scabies. Usually only those who come to the reception are symptomatic, although asymptomatic family members may be included. Thus, it is difficult to give quantitative information about the number of scabies patients with no symptoms of itching. At receptions, ticks can be found even on non-itchy family members.
Whether a scabies infection causes symptoms depends, among other things, on the person’s resistance.
– In some people, the skin can also be thick, in which case it seems to reject scabies, and the skin does not look special to the untrained eye.
The intensity of the symptoms is individual. According to Snellman, sometimes the symptoms can be so minor that no attention is paid to it.
– You may have to scratch your wrist a little during the day, while for others, especially the itching at night can be unbearable.

Infection caused by the scabies mite can also be asymptomatic. Adobe stock/AOP
Very catchy shape
When the resistance is lower, such as in babies, the elderly or those using medication that affects immunity, scabies can spread recklessly into so-called scabies. It may not itch much.
In it, karst spots of varying sizes or a uniform scab-like rash appear on the limbs and body. According to Snellman, this scabies can be mistaken for a common rash, leaving the scabies untreated. Scabies is highly contagious.
In atopics, scabies may go unnoticed because the skin itches all the time anyway.
Buttons can reveal
Itching caused by scabies usually starts 3 to 6 weeks after infection.
In the early stages, scabies is not visible on the skin, even if there is itching. Slowly, as a result of scratching, tunnels dug by female ticks begin to appear, especially between the fingers, palms and wrists, and in infants also on the soles of the feet. Scratching areas can also become inflamed and blisters can appear on the skin.
What makes it difficult is if the itching does not occur. With the naked eye, it can be difficult to see signs of scabies on asymptomatic skin.
– Sometimes typically only a few passages made by female ticks can be found between the fingers or at the base of the wrist. In men, scabies is usually indicated by pimples that look like mosquito bites on the shaft of the penis or in the scrotum. These signs almost always appear, even if there are no other symptoms.
Scabies can spread in the early stages, whether there is itching or not.
Scabies does not always cause itching. On the skin, marks are usually between the fingers, on the wrists, on the front surface of the forearm, in the armpits, on the lower abdomen, on the ankles and in the genital areas. Children can also have tunnels dug by ticks on the soles of their feet. Reader’s photo
Contact with the underlying patient
Those without symptoms do not need to go to the doctor just to be sure, or start treating scabies themselves if no one in the family itches, Snellman emphasizes.
On the other hand, if there is any kind of itching and you know that you have been in close contact with someone infected with scabies or you know that there are cases of scabies in your child’s kindergarten or school, you should see a doctor to diagnose scabies.
The general practitioner usually identifies the cause from the tunnel dug by the tick with the help of scoping. Dermatologists use a dermatoscope or dig out the tick to look at it under a microscope.
A doctor can prescribe ivermectin tablets to treat scabies. Sulfur vaseline can also be used as a local treatment. It is used for three consecutive days and the treatment is repeated in the same way after a week.
You can get a permethrin-containing cream for scabies without a prescription, but according to Snellman, it is no longer useful for many people due to resistance to the drug.
– Even those without symptoms in the family must always be treated at the same time in order to avoid re-infections.
In a family, scabies spreads effectively from one family member to another. Everything is treated, even if there are no symptoms. Adobe stock/AOP
Scabies treatment
To treat scabies, you can get an over-the-counter cream containing permethrin. You can try it if you want, although there seems to be resistance to the drug.
A combination of permethrin cream and ivermectin tablets prescribed by the doctor can also be used in the treatment, but sulfur cream alone or combined with ivermectin tablets seems to be more effective.
After the first treatment for scabies, the scabies rash is treated with an ointment containing cortisone. It calms inflammation. You should also use a moisturizer.
Cleaning the apartment and washing clothes and bedding at 60 degrees is also important after each treatment.
Post-itching and skin symptoms often last 2 to 4 weeks. This does not necessarily mean that the scabies treatment has failed.
However, you should see a doctor if the scabies infection is severe, extensive, or the skin is inflamed. Even if the itching persists for more than a month after the treatment, the doctor should evaluate the success of the treatment.
The cause of constant itching in small children must be determined by a doctor.
For babies under 2 months of age, the doctor may prescribe 6% sulfur vaseline to treat scabies. The cream is applied for three consecutive nights and repeated after a week. For older children and adults, sulfur petroleum jelly may be 10-20%, depending on availability.
Permethrin cream can be used from 2 months of age. For children, creams should also be applied to the head area, avoiding the area around the mouth and eyes. Nails should be cut short.
Source: Dermatology specialist, dermatology professor, emerita Erna Snellman
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