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They seek to apply HPV vaccine to adolescents

In order to prevent the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), authorities of the Jurisdiction of Health Services in Ensenada as of February 21 will begin to vaccinate adolescents between 13 and 14 years of age, this dose that can prevent cervical cancer.

The jurisdictional head of the Universal Vaccination Program, Isela Flores Hinojosa, reported that in coordination with educational institutions as of February 21, a visit to secondary schools will be scheduled so that health personnel can go to apply the vaccine to 1st and 2nd grade girls. degree.

The official urged parents to sign the authorization that will be previously sent to them by the management of each school.

He mentioned that the HPV vaccination scheme is a single dose and it is vitally important that they have it to prevent the disease, since, although it is treatable, it becomes silent and can lead to cervical cancer and other cancers caused by the virus, which can be fatal.

Finally, Flores Hinojosa pointed out that the vaccine will also be applied to adolescents aged 13 and 14 who are not in school, coming with an adult and presenting their CURP to any Municipal Health Center, in addition to women and transgender people with HIV. .

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