indicate that chris cuomo includedto reporters to see bars andMore women planned to accusehis brother from conceptual.we change the subject, the actor ofMexican novels, seriouscataán, they looted hisrestaurant in los angeles,in one of thesegroup assaults thatlandedal pís, salvador duán habówith the artist, shows us thesecurity camera videosit is in everything that happened.salvador:with the doors and windows ofhis business shattered, theown restaurant stadium,acts ofthey were captured in amarawhen they entered to rob.>> when we can see, withall the illusion in the world, andsuddenly we breakdoors with glass,door registers are carried,and all that becomesas in something very presentowner of the establishment isalcaá no novels.savior: our denounced thecymens.three>> three times.reporter: they fear thatother merchants belooted, how is it happeningin other parts of the country.where groups of young people havemany of them without beingdetained.religious leaders andCommunity, African American,today they condemned those acts ofreporter: they made a callthe bandits to stop theassaultsin the name of decency in the leading commentsalso worries that inany time someone,victim or victimizer,can seriously go outinjured, oreven die in one of