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They reveal how long the coronavirus lasts in people with the three doses of the vaccine and infected with omicron

The pandemic from coronavirus has plagued the planet for more than two years. In all this time, the world population has suffered multiple waves of contagion, lockdowns Y restrictions to combat the impact of the virus. Variants have emerged that have turned the health system upside down, such as ómicron, which due to its rapid expansion threatened the Primary Care with daily case records. A study published in ‘The Lancet’ reveals how long do coronavirus symptoms last in people infected with omicron and delta that have the three doses of the vaccine against Covid-19.

Researchers of the King’s College de Londres have revealed that the symptoms of coronavirus last three days less in people infected with the variant omicron. It has been found that these patients are less likely to lose their sense of smellor that those who have been infected with the variant Delta. Furthermore, among fully vaccinated persons, a symptomatic infection of ómicron presents a 25% less chance of hospitalization compared to the British variant.

In the study by the London researchers and published by ‘The Lancet’, data from the application completely free mobile ZOE COVIDwhere more than 63,000 UK vaccinated people between 16 and 99 years old reported coronavirus symptoms between June 2021 and January 2022.

Two days less of symptoms with omicron

In United Kingdomthe variant Delta was predominant in the country between June and November 2021 with more than 70% of the total cases. From December to mid-January 2022the predominant one was omicron with too more than 70% of the total cases. Patients in one group were matched and compared with a person of the same age, sex, and vaccination dose in the other group.

The results show that the shortest duration of omicron symptoms occurred in those who had the booster dose against the coronavirus. The symptoms lasted a 7.7 days during the months of predominance of Delta and 4.4 days during the months where omicron was dominant.

The sore throat and hoarse voice were the most common symptoms in omicron patients, while loss of smell was the most common among those infected with the Delta variant. The hospitalization rate was lower among those infected during the omicron period than during the delta period.

“The clinical symptoms associated with symptomatic infection by the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 are different, milder and of shorter duration than those presented by the delta variant among vaccinated people,” the authors of the study detail.

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