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They return to a Gipuzkoan 800 euros of tickets for two events in New York canceled by the covid-19


The Hellotickets platform has returned to a Gipuzkoan partner of Consumidores en Acción-Facua 800 euros of tickets that it acquired for two events in New York, tickets for the musical ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ and an NBA game, canceled by the covid -19.

In a statement, Facua explained that the Hellotickets ticketing platform “initially refused to refund the money”, but finally after his intervention “accepted the return of the amounts except 65 euros for management expenses.” Finally, he has also given him that amount “since he could not prove that they were real expenses that he had had,” he explained.

The woman residing in Gipuzkoa booked a total of eight tickets through Hellotickets in December 2019 for two shows that were to be held in New York City in April 2020: a performance of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ at the Majestic Theater and the NBA game of the New York Nicks against the Detroit Pistons at Madison Square Garden. In total, he paid 806 euros, 458 euros for the first and 348 for the second.

Both shows were canceled as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. Helllotickets then contacted the user to inform her of this situation and indicate that they would proceed to reimburse her the money for the tickets in the form of a voucher that could spend on the platform for future events.

The affected party, however, contacted the company to indicate that “it did not accept the bond and demand the reimbursement of the 806 euros, without success,” explained Facua, to which he went to exercise actions in defense of his rights.

The association’s legal team approached Hello Tickets to urge it to return the 806 euros to Itxaso, since she had expressly refused to receive the voucher and the regulations enabled her to recover her money.

In his letter, Facua indicated that article 36 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of March 31, which adopts urgent complementary measures in the social and economic sphere to deal with Covid-19, establishes “if as a consequence of the measures adopted by the competent authorities during the validity of the state of alarm or during the de-escalation phases or new normality, the contracts signed by consumers and users, whether for the sale of goods or the provision of services, including those of the Subsequently, they are impossible to fulfill, the consumer and user will have the right to terminate the contract for a period of 14 days from the impossibility of its execution “.

To this, the association adds that the aforementioned regulations also state that consumers “are free to decide whether or not to accept a voucher for the amount.” “Proposals for revision may include, among others, the offering of replacement vouchers or vouchers for reimbursement, which in any case will be subject to acceptance by the consumer or user.”

Regarding management expenses, Facua again addressed the company to remind it that, “although Royal Decree-Law 11/2020 allows in its article 36.2 the non-refund of management expenses, this could only happen in the event of have been duly itemized and provided to the consumer, a circumstance that had not been proven in this case “. Thus, he again demanded that Hellotickets return to Itxaso the full amount he had paid for the eight tickets.

Finally, Hellotickets has proceeded to refund the user the 458 euros for the tickets for The Phantom of the Opera and the 348 for the NBA game.

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