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They removed “Balkanji Yovo” from the curriculum to replace “Dzhalem, dzhalem” –

/ world today news/ The Minister of Education was fired because of “bad communication”! What should good communication look like about the fact that “Balkanji Yovo” is being dropped from the curriculum? This brightest, most emblematic of the tragic essence of Turkish slavery work! It is dropped, but the Roma song “Jalem, jalem” is already being studied. Meanwhile, at rallies, the song about Raina Knyaginya is sung in Turkish and with a different text…

The minister of educationhe was fired because of “bad communication”! What should good communication look like about the fact that “Balkanji Yovo” is being dropped from the curriculum? This brightest, most emblematic of the tragic essence of Turkish slavery work! It is dropped, but the Roma song “Jalem, jalem” is already being studied. Meanwhile, at rallies, the song about Raina Knyaginya is sung in Turkish and with a different text…

“And our nation is already the same Job: they cut off its two hands (agriculture), cut off its two legs (the economy), pierced its two eyes (educationit) – and no one asks if we are a nation or a paradise anymore… In fact, in the management of our country for 2 decades now, the political answer to the question “Do you give, do you give?”, the political answer is always “I give everything, just to be in power!”

And then we wonder how it is possible that the head of the minister’s office is an agent of the Turkish services… And the sky was given to us more than once, and the land was given to be bought by foreigners and for foreign military bases, and the factories were given, most of them to be dismantled , and the shops were given, and the yogurt inside is not Bulgarian… Naturally, the textbooks were also given.

First, the subjects “History” and “National Studies” were dropped

and the children learn various nonsense “Man and society” or “World and personality”. And inside, nothing about Levski, nor about Botev… Benkovski is not mentioned even once until the 7th grade! His scurrilous flock has flown into the past, just as “History of Slavo-Bulgarian” and “Notes on the Bulgarian Uprisings” have flown away…

In “Bulgarian language” apart from the fact that Vazova’s “native speech” will no longer be taught, nothing “Bulgarian and native” has been taught for a long time! Today’s 10-year-old Bulgarian does not know a single poem by heart! The modern Bulgarian memory is not wasted on old poems about old voivodes… Flip through the Bulgarian language textbook for the 4th grade – there is not a single line of Vazov or Botev in it! None!!! Nor for any voivode or at least for any Bulgarian custom. The children read about Mr. Krokotak, about a “magic lesson”, about Baron Munchausen… Of course, there is some “Table Song”… And on 110 pages, not a word about the past, about the Bulgarian…

Well, there is not one Elin-pelinov “chocheno kontoshche”, not to mention Baba Tonka!… But on page 7 the following important work appeared: “Glamcho tservuli bought new ones.” This is what we Bulgarians have become now: Glamchevites with new western tservuli. The natural dream of these tservuli is to step outside the Bulgarian lands, somewhere outside, where it is easier to buy new tservuli… There is no doubt that all this is becoming a fact because of a lot of incompetence and most heartfelt stupidity. The so-called “Modernization” (c educationit, but not only) is most often done by modernists, for whom everything imported and western is modern, and

everything ours and homemade smells like “onion and sour”

if anyone still remembers Vaptsarov’s poems…

Why don’t France and England modernize by spawning? Do you know what would happen in modern Paris if someone took Joan of Arc out of the French textbooks?… I have no doubt: such organized stupidity is not possible! This is a deliberate and prolonged process of erasing the Bulgarian identity. It is accompanied by the avalanche of Turkish and other stupid series, from India or who knows where, with a completely oriental look, sound and atmosphere. This process of de-Bulgarianization began with the ten-year imposition of the musical chalga, and in our country the chalga is a highway to the mosque! Of course, this process required teachers to be placed on the most miserable salaries in the entire state.

A high school principal gets paid less than the minister’s secretary! And again, by the same logic, with all kinds of alternative synods and other mechanisms, the Orthodox Church was thrown out of our supposedly modern public life, half of the priests in the country are actually starving, churches are being demolished, but over 500 new mosques were built in 20 years! Naturally, in these 25 years, our language was also cruelly seized… Along with that, of course, and manners… A century ago

we had voivodes and apostles, now we have mutts and playmates

As a result of all this, in the last 10 years at least, children have come out of Bulgarian schools who do not fear the Bulgarian, for whom the national is only a space, some despicable origin, which they would throw like a broken umbrella at the threshold of the first western country in which they would go to live more luxuriously…

Thus, for 20 years, a whole generation was raised, which not only knows nothing about Bulgarian history, but is not worried about it at all, is not excited about it – it is foreign, distant, unnecessary to him, like the history of his great-grandfather’s native village somewhere in the Balkans… When he went outside, he was “ashamed to call himself Bulgarian”, not that there is anything to be ashamed of… This kind of supposedly globalized modernity, which was imposed, grows a “rootless tree”, stateless citizens, people without identity, without personality – born guest workers, uncritical wage laborers, whose spiritual horizon stretches between a small salary and discounts in some store.

A nation without livelihood, if it remains without memory, is a finished nation!

Naturally, all this post-holiday liquidation of national identity is accompanied by a whirlwind of Islamization…

This is a dramatic national problem. But it is already quite obviously a European problem. That is why I have repeatedly insisted that the upcoming Bulgarian EU presidency propose and even impose the creation of a union policy to strengthen national identity.

This is a cause that I think would be vigorously supported by France, Denmark, a number of countries from Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, certainly the Czech Republic), probably a number of others.

A united Europe makes sense only as a “Europe of the Fatherlands”, as General de Gaulle clearly laid it out and as the EU’s Founding Treaties actually recognize it…

But Fatherland is only possible if the fathers are studied and remembered. And here in the schools they are already doing the exact opposite. It turned out that democratic permissiveness is scarier than totalitarian prohibitions!

I will say it directly: even the Soviet or communist ideology, with all its craze for a class, proletarian identity instead of a national one, failed to wreak such havoc – neither in textbooks nor in public life.

Only 35 years ago, the whole nation was in uproar to celebrate the 1300th anniversary of our country, which is older than only 3 in Europe (Greece, Italy and France)!

Today we celebrate the anniversary of “Ku-ku”… Therefore, for at least a decade, I have been pushing for a new constitution that explicitly provides for the protection of national identity, educationit should be recorded as a strategic national priority, and teachers should have a special social status of enhanced protection.

That’s the only way we can get out of the Munchausen-like quagmire, aren’t the children learning it…

#removed #Balkanji #Yovo #curriculum #replace #Dzhalem #dzhalem

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