Home » today » Health » They reject an appeal to a worker who denies a vaccine against COVID-19 because “it would bring curses”

They reject an appeal to a worker who denies a vaccine against COVID-19 because “it would bring curses”

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(CRHoy.com).-The Constitutional Chamber rejected the amparo appeal filed by the worker of a transnational company, who refuses to apply the COVID-19 vaccine due to his religious beliefs.

In the appeal filed by the man -whose identity was not disclosed-, it is detailed that, the company Midland Credit Management, Inc., sent an email to all workers in the country informing about the mandatory vaccination Starting January 10 this year.

Moment in which the man, who practices Messianism, claimed that their religion is against ingesting or injecting anything into the body that violates the instructions of the Bible.

“Vaccinating myself with the COVID-19 vaccine would go against my religious beliefs for containing ingredients considered impure by YeHoVaH our God.

“The conscious breach of any of these mandates and instructions of the Torah would mean a direct disrespect to our authority YeHoVaH Elohim (God) and this would bring curses and diseases to ourselves and to our children. Likewise, compliance with the instructions of the Torah would mean a prosperous and healthy life for the individual who observes it, as well as those around him, “indicates the resource.

Vaccination against COVID-19. (Photo: CRH Archive)

Given the refusal to inoculate, the employee suggested getting weekly tests for the virus; however, the company notified him that if he did not inject would be fired without employer liability.

That is why the man requested the annulment of the mandatory nature of the vaccine through the appeal. However, the magistrates rejected the petition, since “in the case of claims about extremes of a labor nature, which must be discussed directly before the Ministry of Labor, or or before the labor jurisdiction, as appropriate, since the Chamber does not have jurisdiction to determine whether or not in this particular case it is appropriate to request the application of a vaccine.

Of course, the magistrates recalled that the employer in the private sector is required to require vaccination of its employees.

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