Jorge Octavio Vargas Sandoval/Special collaboration
Jorge Octavio Vargas Sandoval/Special collaboration
OMETEPEC, Gro., March 13, 2023.- The president of the organizing committee of the Livestock, Craft, Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Expo 2023, Pedro Torres Estrada anticipated that 500 specimens of high bovine genetics will be exhibited during that exhibition, which is the best in the state of Guerrero to which Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda will attend the inauguration.
Torres Estrada affirmed that they built a special cattle judging track that will bear the name of Delfino Aguirre Rivero, in recognition of his career of more than 40 years as a cattle producer from Ometepeque of the Brahman breed.

“As many years ago, today a cattle judging track was built with a platform, lights, anterack, and a loading area, where it will serve us not only to qualify the cattle, but also for the horses to enter to give their horse show.” dancers, he also gets in there to hold a cattle auction”.
He assured that to save costs, Guerrero producers of meat, milk and their derivatives instead of traveling to buy cattle in places like Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco, Mérida, Guadalajara, Tamaulipas, can do so at the Ometepec Expoferia, where they will find stallions , calves, heifers of equal or better quality than in those entities.
“Now it’s the Brazilian guzerat that has Jonathan Torres, the in vitro fertilization brahman, embryo transfer, direct ride, that has profe Delfino Aguirre, the Navarrete boys, the Moreno Melo brothers, the red brahman, the black sardine, the gyr, Swissbu, American Swiss, is the cattle we put here at the Expo Fair”.

He specified that there will also be horse races at the Marcos Román raccoon ranch track and invited the general public to attend the opening day on April 5 at noon, then at 4 in the afternoon they will serve 4 cattle on the barbecue , to later give way to a bull riding and a free dance, where there will be a surprise group offered by the president of the Expoferia Pedro Torres Estrada.
He stressed that they are giving general maintenance in all the facilities of the Expoferia, where the Plaza de Toros, palenque de gallos, the blacksmith shop of the galleys are painted and they also remodeled the bathrooms.

He thanked Governor Evelyn Salgado for her willingness to support the Expoferia, as well as the president of Ometepec, Efrén Adame Montalván, who “is going to support like never before” will contribute to all basic services, Public Safety and municipal transit.
He mentioned that they have contemplated the presence of thousands of people between Easter vacationers and inhabitants who will enjoy the tianguis, restaurants, bars, pizzerias, the different exhibitions, mechanical games and musical and artistic shows.