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They rate Instagram as the social network with the most racism and misogyny

  • The worst platforms evaluated were Instagram in conjunction with Facebook.

  • The study revealed that issues such as racial misinformation and cyberbullying are not being adequately addressed on digital platforms.

  • The highest score was attributed to the social network Reddit, which received a C.

The social networks they are still in suspense of all, Either due to positive or negative comments such as racism and hate speech, which the same users make on a daily basis.

There are many people who have already complained about the hostility or superficiality that is breathed in the publications in some social networks, being Instagram the most affected by that wave of comments that badly affects the digital platform of Mark Zuckerberg.

Recently, a study entitled ” Social Media Fails Women ”, made by the feminist group UltraViolet in conjunction with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, revealed that Instagram is the social network with the most racism and misogyny.

The research that has the objective of qualifying the different social networks on their management to stop racism and misogyny in your posts He detailed that no social network that currently exists would be “prepared” efficiently to stop these bad practices towards its users.

The study also showed that the worst evaluated platform was Instagram in conjunction with Facebook. “Instagram and Facebook have very much the same policies. This is a problem, because the two platforms play different roles and the user experience and brands are very different for consumers, ”the study details.

In the same order, the feminist group commented that the conglomerate Meta by Mark Zuckerberg is “the holding company that has shown the least interest in curbing misogyny, racism and hate speech towards women on its platforms,” ​​to which they added that it could be corroborated with the leak of internal messages within the company that the Meta platforms know that these practices exist among their users.

UltraViolet added that thanks to this study it was possible to verify that topics such as racial misinformation and cyberbullying “They are not being treated properly, which ultimately causes harm to a significant group of users.”

The methodology of the study “Social Media Fails Women”

In the study where social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube y  Reddit A methodology was used to measure the capabilities of these digital platforms in the face of these behaviors “Violent”.

The investigation also consisted of the UltraViolet group comparing the anti-misogynist and racist policies of all digital sites and made its own recommendations.

Likewise, the feminist group evaluated these networks with the strategy of qualifying the platforms with letters from A means best evaluated, and up to F that are the worst evaluated.

The results of the study

According to the results of the investigation, of the six platforms that were evaluated, none got an A. The highest score was attributed to the digital platform Reddit, which was rated a C.

● Reddit: C
● Twitter: C-
● TickT: D +
● YouTube: D
● Facebook: D-
● Instagram: F

Regarding the poor rating of social networks in this study, andl Director of the ROI Agency and specialist in online reputation, Uri MartinichHe commented that “several do not consider that the posts they make on networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, can be seen by those who are least expected. It can be your boss, your partner, your bank executive, among others ”.

In this sense, the expert added that “if what is published has a negative connotation, it may influence the opinion that others have about the user in the future, which in the long run may be harmed by having harmed.”

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