Home » today » Entertainment » They present four short films made by young Zapotecs from a film workshop on the Isthmus

They present four short films made by young Zapotecs from a film workshop on the Isthmus

Oaxaca de Juárez.— The civil association Espacio de Encuentro de las Culturas Originales (EECO) reported that this Tuesday four short films made by young women and men from the Zapotec community of Santiago Lachiguiri, municipality of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region.

These cinematographic works are part of the film workshop for young people “Cuéntame con tus ojos”, organized by EECO with the support of the Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE) and the Ministry of Culture

From November 11 to 18, the workshop of who in the community of Santiago Lachiguiri. In the training sessions, he explained, eight young women and one young man from the community participated, resulting in four short films in which they tell their own stories.

Photo: Facebook EECO AC

“The workshop, carried out by high-level film specialists, included training in camera management, script, sound and editing, as well as two complete film crews that were given to the young women so that they could carry out other projects in the future “, detailed the association.

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He specified that the short films deal with sensitive topics, devised and narrated by the workshop participants, such as bullying, violence against women in indigenous communities, water care and the revaluation of local culture.

“The youth teams, made up mostly of women, were trained by prominent professionals from the who in our country and were equipped with cameras and with the necessary materials to continue cinematographic practices in their community ”, he declared.


Photo: Facebook EECO AC

The works carried out by these young people, mostly women, are titled “Santiago Lachiguiri”, “Caschxutu Níz”, “Bullying” and “Goona”.

ECCO is a civil association that was born in 2004 under the name of Tianguis Indígena, as an initiative promoted by indigenous and rural women and men from different regions of Oaxaca, as well as professionals from various branches, to reactivate the local economy, generate income, build local capacities and strengthen community culture and values.

In 2008 they were legally constituted as Tianguis Indígena Multicultural, and in March 2010 they formed the association Espacio de Encuentro de las Culturas Originales.

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