Home » today » Entertainment » They played Romeo and Juliet. Today they want 500 million dollars. for a nude scene

They played Romeo and Juliet. Today they want 500 million dollars. for a nude scene

Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, both in their 70s and then ages 15 and 16, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court alleging sexual abuse, harassment and fraud.

As reported by foreign media, the director of “Romeo and Juliet” Franco Zeffirelli, who passed away in 2019, had initially assured the young actors that they would wear flesh-colored underwear in an intimate scene. However, just before filming began, they both heard from him that the only thing they would wear was makeup.

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However, Zeffirelli promised them that the camera would be positioned so as not to show nudity. Despite this, Hussey and Whiting were filmed naked without their knowledge, in violation of California and federal laws against obscenity and child abuse.

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