MÉRIDA, Yuc, March 25, 2021.- With an investment of 69 million 527 thousand 530 pesos, jointly the State Government and the City Council of Mérida will jointly pave just over 14 kilometers of streets inside the peripheral.
In the presence of the governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal and the mayor Renán Barrera Concha, the secretary of Public Works, Virgilio Crespo Méndez explained that this intervention covers 137 streets of 32 Colonias, benefiting a total of 949 thousand 936 people.
After the start flag, both the governor and the mayor visited a couple of families in the area who expressed their disagreements and it is that, as they point out, for several years they have asked the city council for help to keep the area clean.
“We want to see if they do something because the neighbors try to make it clean but then people come and throw garbage, dead dogs, everything and it is a health risk.”
As the governor himself pointed out to the citizens, they agreed that one part will be the street for vehicular traffic and another part will be a green area.