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They organize a caravan in Madrid on May 2 to ask for the resignation of the Government

The success of the first virtual demonstration to protest against the Government has led its promoters to organize a caravan of cars to tour the streets of Madrid calling for the resignation of the Social Communist Executive due to the coronavirus crisis. The organizers invite citizens to join the initiative, which will take place on May 2, and which has officially requested permission from the Delegation of the Government of Madrid.

The Government’s management in the face of the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus is causing discontent to be increasing among the population. The death toll, which has turned Spain into the country with the most deaths from Covid-19 in Europe, and the evolution of the economy, with a gloomy horizon ahead, increasingly worry people.

This crisis has come with Spain under a social-communist government, with a president like Pedro Sánchez and a vice-president, and a de facto leader, like Pablo Iglesias, a tandem in Moncloa that is far from convincing citizens. On the contrary, both their previous decisions, ignoring the arrival of the pandemic until after 8-M, and during the crisis, have made the discontent of the people on several occasions materialize in loud pots from the balconies and windows of Spain .

Now, this coming weekend, you want to take a step forward. The organizers of the successful first virtual demonstration in Spain against the Government are preparing a new act of protest to demand the resignation of this Executive. The user Alvise Pérez has reported in his profiles on social networks that he has “informed the Government Delegation in Madrid of the first major protest against this Government. A safe and legal caravan this Saturday at 12:00 in Castellana to whistle loud and clear ‘Government Resignation’. That they do not rob us of the fundamental right to protest.

As explained in the poster with the call for the demonstration this coming Saturday, May 2, this is how the call works: «Go with your car or your motorcycle along the Paseo de la Castellana with a flag of Spain. We will make a big blow against Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias. ” They make it clear that it will be “everything in accordance with the legislation. We do not put anyone’s health at risk and we comply with the state of alarm ”.

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