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They open a call to join the Departmental Planning Council of Cesar

The Government of Cesar opened the call to participate in the Departmental Planning Council for the construction of the Development Plan 2024 – 2027.

The organizations and agremiations of the indigenous sectors, culture, Afro communities, education, community, cooperative and the mayors of the municipalities of the Northwest Subregionand Southern Subregion, can send the respective shortlists to integrate the Territorial Planning Council of the department of Cesarwith the purpose of renewing part of this planning instance, due to the expiration of the period for which they were elected.

Organizations and associations interested in applying must present the following documents for each shortlist candidate: resume of the candidates, application letter indicating the sector for which the shortlist is being presented, as well as the experience and/or connection of the same in each sector, certification of the existence and legal representation issued by the competent authority, not exceeding 90 days of issuance.

The authorities will have until February 9 to send the shortlist, and on February 15 the appointment of the new directors would be made. Applicants must be or have been linked to the activities of the organizations, associations or sectors they represent, according to the provisions of article 34 of the Law 152 of 1994.

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