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They named the exact date on which the war will end!

World-famous tarot and astrologer Angela Pearl, who has more than twenty years of experience, has revealed what will happen to the war between Ukraine and Russia in the near future.

According to her the Russian army, which invaded Ukrainian soil, may begin retreating as early as June 5. This is due to the movement of the planet Saturn.

“In the summer, in June, Saturn turns and will go to the same position for the second time. But this will already be the Ukrainian offensive.

Yes, there will be losses, it will be difficult, there will be serious battles, but now the Ukrainians will expel the Russian military from the territory of Ukraine.

Saturn turns on June 5 and begins to retreat, which means that the Russian army will also begin to retreat, or they will stop and start digging, defending themselves, and so on. That is what will push them out of Ukraine, “Pearl said.

The tarot reader added that At the end of December 2022 and the beginning of January 2023, serious changes in the situation should be expected..

“Most likely, battles are still possible in Ukraine. Since the situation began with the opposition of two planets, Saturn and Uranus, the war will not end until March – around March 8 – when this tension disappearsSaid the tarot reader.

Translation and editing: BLITZ

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