Home » today » News » They march in New York to demand that essential workers can aspire to citizenship | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

They march in New York to demand that essential workers can aspire to citizenship | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

adriana: workersessential immigrants anddefenders of your rightled a march inmanhattan to demand that it beopen a path is thecitizenship.we speak with local leaders andalso protesters.It is not fair that we onlyused at the time of the votes.this to our families.we are here to demand away to the city.that they take them into account.that the congress and thepresident biden advance ongive us immigration reformfor the whole community becausewe are essential here.Adriana: the march took place …precisely this march seekssend a message afterwhich democrats included theexpense packageinfrastructure a possiblemillions of undocumented.yaritza, thanks for being withus, what is the requestof these workers who do notdo you have documents?the request we have ismake sure that the congressinclude immigration in yourbudget because we are partessential to the economy of thepís and therefore we wantmake sure immigrationbe included in it.Adriana: It is said thatinfrastructure. What so much faithdoes this happen?, the Democrats have themajority in the Senate and thewhite house, if there is hopefor them to take action andbring concrete solutions toinside.adriana: but they are toojudges like the one from texas whothey declare against Dhaka.yes, that decision thatdid you mention createduncertainty and relive thetrauma of many of thedaca students andobviously it’s a perioddifficult for those peoplebenefit from the y programthat are now in limbo.many organizations leftwith hundreds of its membersbelow the same message.adriana: thanks for being withU.S.thanks to you.

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