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They manifest vs AMLO in the Megabandera

Luis Carlos Cano
The Journal of Juárez

Saturday, 01 August 2020 | 21:39

Juarez City- As part of the so-called occupation of squares that took place in different cities of the state and the country, Juarenses gathered here in the Plaza de la Megabandera to demonstrate against the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for the deaths that have been recorded in Mexico because of Covid-19 and violence.

The participants, summoned by the National Anti-AMLO Front (Frena), met from 7:00 in the afternoon and for almost two hours in this part of El Chamizal to express their rejection of the way the President has carried out the actions to combat Covid-19 and to stop the acts of violence.

In this plaza, the participants, all wearing face masks, were placed at a certain distance to comply with the sanitary regulations recommended by the Health Sector, in addition to carrying signs with legends against President López Obrador.

Sara Galaviz, a member of the Frena in this city, said that the squares in different parts of the country were taken this Saturday and they will also be taken on Sunday, for the deaths that have occurred throughout the national territory in recent months.

The President is not blamed for the pandemic, but for the actions he has carried out to curb the disease, for the bad actions in the hospitals, for his speeches that one day he says not to go out and then no, that they do not He puts on his face mask and then asks people to use it, in addition to the lack of supplies in hospitals, Galaviz said.

In addition to this, he pointed out, because of the deaths that violence has left, because in this federal administration there have been more victims than in any other government and the President says that everything is fine.

Galaviz said that after last week they ended the caravan stage, now they are following other types of actions to express rejection of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s way of governing.

“AMLO no more dead”, “Out AMLO”, “AMLO liar, no more violence”, “Out AMLOCO”, “National anti AMLO Front”, “AMLO you lie and betray the people”, are some of the phrases that the participants in the taking of the square.

In addition to this border, this Saturday the squares were taken in Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua, while Sunday will be in Jiménez, according to what was reported by members of the Frena.

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