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They lied to the people in general – eju.tv

Massive study confirms heart damage only occurs in COVID-vaccinated children.

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The study of 1.7 million children found that myocarditis and pericarditis only occurred in children who received the ModRNA (pfizer and modern) COVID vaccines.

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No cases were found in the unvaccinated group, making it clear that these heart problems are directly related to the vaccines.

Led by Professor Colm D. Andrews of the University of Oxford and published as a preprint on MedRxiv, the study also dealt another blow: the supposed vaccine disappeared after just 14 to 15 weeks.

Even more alarming, an independent report has revealed a catastrophic 500% increase in deaths among vaccinated children compared to their unvaccinated peers.

The data is clear. Vaccines were a crime against children.

How many more children will have to suffer before the medical community accepts this uncomfortable reality?

They lied to the people in general. And it wasn’t the first time. When we look back, we can see a pattern: a thread of deception woven into the fabric of the narratives we have been fed. The promises made, the guarantees given, all with the confidence of truth. But in the end, these were not truths at all.

The question, then, is not whether we were misinformed or deceived. It is rhetoric: a reflection on a deeper and more worrying reality. The lines between disinformation and misinformation blur when the intention behind the words is not to inform, but to control history, to shape what we believe, and to keep the population calm, content in the belief that all is well.

We have been told that what we hear is the best that science has to offer, the result of careful deliberation by experts. But when the dust settles and the facts emerge, it becomes clear that what was presented as certainty was, in many cases, just the opposite. Some knew the truth, but hid it or distorted it to achieve a purpose. So the lie became not just a mistake of fact, but an intentional act: the decision not to reveal the full reality, to present a narrative that reassured rather than informed.

The reality is stark: they did not tell us the truth. And at a time when trust in institutions is already fragile, this deception hurts more deeply than any isolated falsehood. It challenges the very foundations of our collective belief in those who claim to act in our best interests.

The question is not whether they lied to us (we know). The question is: how do we respond as a people? How do we rebuild trust when it has been so deliberately and systematically eroded? The answer lies not in blind acceptance, but in vigilance, in holding accountable those who speak on our behalf. We must demand more than guarantees; We must demand the truth, without filters or embellishments, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Ronald Palacios Castrillo

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