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They launched the first assistance line of the program to certify the quality of laboratories to strengthen exports

With the objective of strengthen exportsthe Ministry of Productive Development launched the first line of assistance of the National Quality Strengthening Program (Fordecal) for national testing and calibration laboratories that must accredit international certification standards. The presentation of the project took place at the Fares Taie laboratory in Mar del Plata and was headed by the Secretary of Industry, Knowledge Economy and External Commercial Management, Ariel Schale, and the Undersecretary of Industry, Julieta Loustau.

Schale stressed that “it is part of the decision of the policy to accompany our laboratories in strengthening their equipment and their capacities to improve the conditions of competitiveness of production”. “In an increasingly demanding international trade dynamic, these certifications become essential to conquer new markets,” he stressed.

The call seeks to promote and facilitate the process of accreditation of public or private laboratories to the international standard ISO 17.025 through access to Non-Reimbursable Contributions (ANR), which will finance up to 70% of the expenses related to the accreditation or re-accreditation of laboratories. and to the extension of scopes before the Argentine Accreditation Agency (OAA).

The program will allow “diversifying the offer for the industry and having a network that accompanies all the exportable offer that our country has, with a federal development of high added value and with the possibility of advancing in the certifications of national products” , highlighted Loustau. The national director of Regional and Sectoral Development, Leandro Mora Alfonsín, also participated; the Director of Sectoral Development, Mariángel Ghilardi Sierra; the coordinator of the Argentina Quality Plan, Pablo Barreto; the president of the OAA, Marcelo Kloster; Buenos Aires deputy Débora Indarte; the director of Correo Argentino Rodolfo Iriart; and the Secretary of Productive Development of General Pueyrredon, Adrián Consoli. Currently, Argentina has less than 150 testing and calibration laboratories accredited by the OAA (within the region, Mexico has 2,400 and Colombia 1,100) due to the low demand for tests accredited in the domestic market and the high cost of accreditations.

The call seeks to promote and facilitate the process of accreditation of public or private laboratories to the international standard ISO 17.025 through access to Non-Reimbursable Contributions (ANR), which will finance up to 70% of the expenses related to the accreditation or re-accreditation of laboratories. and to the extension of scopes before the Argentine Accreditation Agency (OAA)Ministry of Productive Development

To access the benefit, they must be registered in the National Registry of Certifiers and Testing and Calibration Laboratories (Renablab) and the Single Registry of the Productive Matrix (RUMP).

From Productive Development they explained that those projects that generate an impact on the value chain of the productive sectors, have the capacity to export testing and calibration services, promote the federalization of quality infrastructure and certify tests with export potential will be prioritized. or that generate an impact on environmental sustainability.

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