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They launch a plan to combat the increase in COVID infections and monkeypox in New York but not a mask mandate

Los COVID-19 infections continue to rise in New York City and statewide, with a daily positivity rate approaching 15%, due in large part to the BA.5 omicron subvariant, responsible for 78% of new cases, so the authorities announced an action plan to put a stop to it.

This was revealed this Wednesday by the governor Kathy Hochulafter presenting a series of immediate initiatives and others for the fall, in preparation for a possible new wave of COVID and a safe return of children to school.

In your ad, the state agent emphasized once again that the COVID-19 It has not gone away, and although he warned that the current outlook is much more encouraging than the one experienced at the beginning of the pandemic in the spring of 2020, he confirmed the increase in infections due to the BA.5 subvariant and daily deaths. In the last 24 hours, 22 people died from the coronavirus, 7 of them in the Big Apple.

The governor He mentioned that New York will continue with the fighting approach that has been advanced, but will promote new measures to prevent a new wave due to the change of seasons from taking New Yorkers by surprise.

“My team is working around the clock to bolster our preparedness against future waves of pandemics and other related public health emergencies, both short-term and long-term,” he said. Hochul, emphasizing that the State’s top priority is keeping New Yorkers safe. “We have made real progress in our fight against COVID-19and we must remain vigilant to ensure New York State emerges stronger than ever.”
In her announcement, the New York leader was clear in revealing that for now the mandatory mask wearing mandates will not return, neither in schools nor in interior spaces, but she clarified that everything will depend on how things unfold in the coming weeks.

As part of prevention efforts, 3 million home tests will be sent to schools for distribution to students and staff to be tested before the start of the school year.

Likewise, Hochul said it is working with public health experts to implement a fall action plan to prepare for potential surges in COVID-19 and mentioned that they are analyzing which mechanisms have worked and which have not.

The Governor cited the review of New York’s response to COVID, identifying strengths, best practices, and areas where policies fell short in meeting the needs of the public and “identifying key lessons to improve public health preparedness and response.”

Likewise, evaluate key findings in a structured and timely manner and provide key recommendations and prepare planning guidance for the State for use in a future emergency, including identifying the first steps the State should take when an emergency occurs.

“We are addressing a short-term and a long-term plan of action, and we want to make sure that children are safe and prepared and that every student and member of the school staff can be tested for COVID,” the Governor reiterated.

In addition to the plan for the strategic return of children to schools, actions will be promoted so that more New Yorkers get vaccinated, especially those over 50 years of age who have not received a dose in the last six months. They will also seek to increase the capacity of COVID testingof which there are 20 million ready to be distributed, promote greater access to treatment and therapies for positive patients, strengthen the measures of the hospital system to deal with the increase in infections and work with local and federal agencies to stop the rise of the virus.

State health experts also anticipate that many of the people who were infected with previous subvariants just three months ago could be reinfected, for which they insisted on the need for booster doses to be applied.

In her announcement, the Governor recalled that both in the Big Apple and outside the state there are help lines so that those who become infected can receive treatment to avoid serious illness and falling into hospitals, which in the case of New York City has an index of 105 daily admissions currently.

The call to ask for help was also extended to those who suffer from lasting consequences of COVID after having been infected for several months or even years.

The Lieutenant Governor, Antonio Delgadomade a call not to lower our guard, and reiterated that children back to school continue to be a priority.

“As the pandemic progresses and continues to change, we must remain vigilant and be prepared for new strains as they emerge,” the official said. “With students returning to school classrooms in the fall, we need to have a plan in place to address future variances.”

But the announcement of new actions was not only about COVID-19, but in the press conference the Governor and the Health Commissioner, Dra. Mary Bassett, They also revealed strategies to deal with monkeypox, of which 679 cases have already been identified throughout the state, 639 of them in the Big Apple. New York has a third of the total cases in the United States.

The head of the Department of Health recalled that despite monkey pox it is not fatal, and that so far of the 2,000 cases found throughout the country no death has been recorded, it is an uncomfortable disease, transmitted by physical and painful contact.

Bassett mentioned that although there have been several cases among people from the LGBTQ community, anyone can get monkeypox, so he urged to redouble care practices, especially in clubs and mass gathering areas, such as avoiding physical contact.

“We will continue to revitalize local health sites, the infrastructure of the health department, access to vaccines for those who have been exposed and educate on the subject, with dignity, without stigma and equity,” added the official, noting that they estimate that the cases increase in the coming weeks.

COVID-19 in numbers in New York

  • 14.5% is the average number of infections and it continues to rise
  • 4,380 positive cases were detected in the last 24 hours
  • 105 daily hospitalizations in the Big Apple
  • 16.52 is the current average of hospitalizations, when a month ago it was 9 per 100,000 inhabitants
  • 7.76% is the average number of hospitalized patients with COVID
  • 22 are the daily deaths statewide due to COVID
  • 7 are the deaths from coronavirus in the city
  • 95% of New Yorkers over the age of 18 have their first dose of the vaccine
  • 87.9% of the elderly have the complete vaccination schedule
  • 74.3% of children over 12 years of age have completed vaccination
  • 38.4% of children from 5 to 11 years old have a complete COVID vaccine schedule
  • 9,076,341 people have received a booster dose in New York

Monkeypox in New York in numbers

  • 2,000 are the cases that have been detected throughout the country
  • 679 of the infections have been detected in New York
  • 639 cases of monkeypox are in the Big Apple
  • 16 cases were found in Westchester
  • 33% represent New York cases nationally
  • 61,030 vaccines have been distributed in New York

Points of the plan to stop the increase of COVID announced

  • There will be a strategic return of children to schools, which includes the sending of 3 million tests
  • Encourage more New Yorkers to get vaccinated and those over 50 to get booster doses
  • Increase testing capacity against COVID
  • Promote greater access of positive patients to treatment and therapies
  • Deliver equipment and 20 million home tests available
  • Strengthen the measures of the hospital system to deal with the increase in infections
  • Work with local and federal agencies to slow the rise of COVID
  • Stock Review Plan Items

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