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They join forces for the “return” of Juanga

MEXICO CITY, September 22 (EL UNIVERSAL).- In 2000 and 2004, Juan Gabriel took over the capital’s Zócalo, just as he did with other spaces such as Bellas Artes, also on two occasions.

His legacy, according to Argel Gómez, head of the Culture Department of Mexico City, is ineffable, which is why this Sunday afternoon, through a video document, he will make the Plaza de la Constitución vibrate again.

“On a cultural and social level, what Juan Gabriel achieved and continues to achieve is impressive, and now that it’s been 10 years since this video document was released, we decided to bring it to the Zócalo so that many more people can enjoy it as thousands did at the Cineteca Nacional,” Gómez explains to EL UNIVERSAL.

For this reason, the Ministry of Culture of Mexico City, in collaboration with the National Film Library, has decided to take the Mis 40 concert at Bellas Artes to the Zócalo Capitalino, where a crowd similar to the one gathered at the Cineteca on September 13 is expected, where more than 6 thousand Juanga fans gathered.

“It is a celebration of what it represents for all Mexicans. It is the reflection of a culture that lives and breathes through its music,” said Israel Herrera, public relations officer of the Cineteca Nacional, who invites the public to be part of this event.

Argel explains that this celebration around the Divo de Juárez also represents a commitment to democratizing access to culture, in a space that symbolizes the unity of the Mexican people.

“As with all concerts, the intention is to continue bringing culture to the largest possible audience who can attend in a place that we all know so that they can share the moment safely and calmly, without any problems,” says the official.

According to Israel, the collaboration between Universal Music, Virgin Music, the Ministry of Culture and the National Film Library has been a key element in the organization of the musical event.

“The process is first to decide with the record label (Universal Music) which concerts we will project and then to access the rights through Virgin Music, which in this case belong to them, but of course to have the approval of Juan Gabriel’s family, who also, thanks to them, have made it possible to carry out this initiative,” said Israel.

The first screenings at the Cineteca were dedicated to great exponents of rock, such as Queen and The Rolling Stones, but the Cineteca expanded its horizons to include the concert by the Mexican singer-songwriter, taking advantage of the good response from rock. And the response to the author of songs such as “Amor Eterno” was so great that now he will be coming to the Zócalo.

“The success of the first concerts we planned led us to think about expanding the offer. We knew that Juanga’s impact would be impressive, but we did not expect the 6 thousand people who came. This shows that Juan Gabriel’s music is still relevant and his symbolic presence in this space is unquestionable,” adds an excited Argel, from the Ministry of Culture.

The screening of the concert on the Zócalo is one more example of a quest to continue feeding the culture of Mexico City through different platforms and they do not rule out that this is the beginning of more screenings of other artists, in this same space.

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