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They investigate the case of adolescent delivery at the Hernandarias District Hospital

Facade of the Hernandarias District Hospital.

After the delivery that occurred in the corridor of the Hernandarias District Hospital involving an adolescent patient, the Ministry of Public Health announced the opening of a preliminary investigation and medical audit.

The investigation refers to the case that occurred on Saturday, March 18, 2023, in which the 17-year-old patient MAO gave birth in the corridor of the care center. Faced with this situation, the health portfolio decided to order a preliminary investigation to determine the details of the care provided to the patient. Likewise, a medical audit is ordered on the fact.

For this purpose, the Vice Ministry of Comprehensive Health Care and Social Welfare is empowered to designate the professionals in charge of carrying out the medical audit, with the accompaniment of the Legal Medical Assistance Directorate of the General Directorate of Legal Advice.

Through Resolution AJ No. 334/2023, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare reaffirms the need to verify whether there were deficiencies in the care of the patient and the newborn. Therefore, the intervention is given for the purpose of determining the responsible officials, if any, and the consequent sanctions, as well as the improvements that must be introduced in the aforementioned health service.

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