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They investigate if the Tucuman police suffocated a man

A man who had been accused of alleged theft died suffocated after being forcibly detained (an agent pressed his face against the sidewalk with his knee) as part of a police operation in the center of the city of San Miguel de Tucuman and now the Justice is investigating whether he was the victim of a case of institutional violence, since, although the police said that the man felt bad when trying to escape and became infarcted, the autopsy revealed that his death was due to suffocation.

The incident involves Ceferino Nadal (43), who finally in a hospital, and six Tucuman police officers, who were already identified by the prosecutor Adriana Giannoni, although she did not request the arrest of any of them.

According to the police report, the events began when a person began to scream because he had been the victim of a robbery, for which he pointed to Nadal. Agent Jéssica Gomez, who was in the area, asked for reinforcements and started the chase. Once he was arrested and was transferred to the police station, he began to say that he felt bad, so they called 911 and the man died a few minutes later, in the hospital.

Tucuman: Police accused of killing a detainee

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Now the investigation could take a different course, since the forensic report contradicts the statement of the police, as well as several witnesses, who even provided videos where it is observed how the officers mistreat the man. According to Nadal’s widow, as her husband had a record, he was constantly harassed by the police.

According to witnesses, one of the police officers who arrested the man put a knee to the neck when reducing it and the arrested man complained about not being able to breathe, which would resemble the case of George Wallace, the African American who died in a similar way. in the American city of Minneapolis, a case that sparked a wave of anti-racist demonstrations in that country.

If institutional violence is verified, the Tucuman Police would be put in check again when the echoes of the murder of Luis Espinoza still resonate, during a police operation that occurred on May 15 in the rural area of ​​Simoca, for which nine officers were arrested. and a civilian.


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Prosecutor Adriana Giannoni intervened in the case and ordered an autopsy, in which it was determined that Nadal died of a suffocation condition.

For its part, the human rights defense organization Andhes requested that the Police be separated from judicial investigations and demanded that a reform be carried out in the institution.

Police violence is not new. Political indifference is not new either. Violent practices are repeated day by day. We are facing a structural problem. It is essential then that the provincial government as a whole take charge of this problem and recognize it. shocking police violence case, “said the NGO.


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