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they hacked a WhatsApp account and scammed three people: Sur24

At least three people have been tricked into transferring money to a stranger’s account, thinking they are helping a friend financially. It all arose after learning of a complaint from a woman, who assured her that her WhatsApp account had been hacked, and the criminal started sending all contacts a message asking them to lend him a sum of money, which then would return.

In this way, two people paid 30,000 pesos and one contributed 13,000.

The complaint was presented by Stella Maris to the 3rd Police Headquarters of Rufino.

Sources in the case indicated that the lady “claimed to have hacked her WhatsApp and sent messages to her contacts to make transfers to an account number provided by the same means.”

In short, «two deposits were made for 30,000,000 pesos. Subsequently, the woman took an extension to the complaint, where she claimed that another deposit of $ 13,000,000 pesos was made, providing screenshots of the transfers, as well as a phone number.

The investigator is the prosecutor Mauro Menéndez.

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