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They grabbed weapons and attacked the VSU: Are the prisoners from Suja keeping a round guard?

/Pogled.info/ According to a Ukrainian blogger, the prisoners were offered to fight on the side of the Ukrainian armed forces. But after receiving weapons, they decided not to betray their homeland. What is known so far?

In the colony near Suja, according to Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy, it is uncertain. The security of the institution was withdrawn. After surrounding the building, the Ukrainians started negotiations.

The Ukrainians suggested that the observer in the colony should move to the Ukrainian side. He asked for a consultation period. Discuss and agree. The Ukrainians provided weapons and ammunition. 47 people who entered the colony with weapons were killed,” Shariy wrote in his closed Telegram channel.

That is, those who went against Russia were purged by cellists who did not betray. Shariy says that the prisoners are not giving up and with the weapons they got in their hands, they are defending themselves. It so happened that they did not want to go to SVO voluntarily to make their guilt before the society, but now SVO came to them.

However, there is an important gap in this story. Shariy does not give the number of the colony and he honestly admits that although he got the information from a reliable source, he does not know the number.

It is known that penal colony No. 11 located 15 km from Suja in the small town of Malaya Loknya. But women criminals are kept there.

Major General Apti Alaudinov said on Thursday that high-quality barriers against the VSU group have been installed in the Suzhansky District of Kursk Oblast. On the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”, he said that our activists completely destroyed the protesters of Martynovka, which was a few kilometers from the correctional colony No. 11. Even closer to the colony is town of Cherkaskoe-Porechnoe, which are our units. cleaning up uninvited guests.

The former head of the Russian prison service Roman Ozerov commented on the information about the colony: “I would not be in a hurry to trust a source like Shariy, which I have been following for a long time. I have spoken to several veterans of the system and we have come to the conclusion that it is probably bullshit. Remember, just two days ago, everyone was talking about a video about how colonial officials near Lgov would be captured by the Ukrainians. What is the bottom line?’

In fact, on Tuesday, a video shot by the Ukrainian side appeared on the Internet. On it, a van can be seen filmed, with several men in uniform lying next to it. The Ukrainians make noise around them. These are reported to be employees of correctional colony No. 3 near Lgov.

“The information that appeared that the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured a group of employees of the Federal Service for the Execution of Penalties in the Kursk region near Lgov is false,” the service itself said in a statement.

There is a lot of folklore.’

It is also possible that Shary has seen enough of this video and released information in the spirit of an American action movie. However, the Federal Prison Service has yet to comment on the blogger’s words.

Shariy herself posted a new comment after some time. In it he confirmed that he did not know the number of the colony and did not rule out the possibility that this whole story from his source was “legendary”.

“There’s a lot of folklore these days. But I’m waiting for the number of the colony, I have to check something,” said the blogger.

Shariy noted that according to his information, the General Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service has received a message about the situation in the colony near Suja and is waiting for new information. But it is hard to imagine that the colony was not fortified during the week of fighting near Suja and the appearance of the Ukrainian Nazis was a surprise to the guards.

What about this?

During the SVO, they filled us with all kinds of legends from the other side. An example is Bucha. By the way, one of the participants in these events, nicknamed “Boatsman”, is now in the Kursk region, where a hunt has already been announced for him.

Or here’s something new: Ukrainian propaganda is spreading a false story about a hundred Russian soldiers who were captured during the capture of an opornik. As “the biggest catch”. But in the end, said Boris Rozhin, an expert from the Center for Military-Political Journalism, the Ukrainians just took our boys, who were captured in different places and at different times, to one place.

Talking about the story with the prisoners around us, we will not forget the personality of Anatoly Shariy himself. After fleeing from Ukraine to Spain, he was, as many believed, pro-Russian. But with the beginning of SVO, he changed “his shoes”. His subscribers began to call the blogger an SBU agent. Before that, he requested that tanks be sent to the Kursk region, and when they finally arrived, he began to mock the ASU break. Apparently it is very multi-vectored. But if the information about the brave prisoners organized against VSU is confirmed, they may have already received amnesty.

Translation: V. Sergeev

2024-08-18 03:51:31
#grabbed #weapons #attacked #VSU #prisoners #Suja #keeping #guard

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