Home » today » Business » They give substitute measures for the lawyer, judge and psychologist in the case of the irregularly released Mennonite – eju.tv

They give substitute measures for the lawyer, judge and psychologist in the case of the irregularly released Mennonite – eju.tv

After a nine-hour hearing, behind closed doors, the three arrested for allegedly having participated in the Irregular release of Abraham Peters Dicksentencing women in the Manitoba Mennonite community for 150 rapes, received alternative measuresthis Monday night.

The precautionary judge Primo Flores ordered for the three arrested: rooting, financial bond of Bs 15 thousand; house arrest from 18:00 to 7:00 and prohibition to communicate with each other.

In addition, the director of the Hospital for drug addicts, Alfredo Negrete Rios, it is forbidden to communicate with officials of that center; the mennonite lawyer, Carlos Sunaguais prohibited from attending the 1st Execution Court, as well as the Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts, while Judge Manuel Baptista is vetoed from attending the 1st Court of Execution.

last weekend Suñagua and Negrete were apprehended, after Peters had been recaptured and sent back to Palmasola to finish serving his 25-year sentence. On Monday morning, Baptista was also apprehended.

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