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They give national recognition to pig “El Tigre” in Pinar del Río

Due to the results achieved in pig production, the efficiency in the processes and the food self-sustainability with harvests of root vegetables, grains, as well as the creation of various livestock modules and its effective action in the recovery of the destroyed structures after the passage of the hurricane Ian, the collective of the swine genetic center “El Tigre” received the condition “Collective for the path of victory”.

According to Armando Sánchez Blanco, deputy director of the National Porcine Genetic Company, after the passage of the last atmospheric phenomenon “El Tigre” it was devastated and with very low yields, however, the group overcame adversities and maintained the basic mass .

“It is a reality that the country today faces a crisis in the food sector, and this pig center is at the forefront in terms of finding solutions and alternatives for animal husbandry and breed improvement. “El Tigre” today more than a bastion and heritage of the nation, is a legacy of the Commander in Chief which these workers always hold high.

“In the entire national structure we have 14 UEB distributed throughout the island, however, this center is of vital importance since it works on the issue of pig multipliers and they work with a fundamental breed for the genetic development itself, which is the York,” he said.

For her part, Madelyn Romero Grau, director of the aforementioned consolareña structure, added that this recognition is nothing more than a challenge and a commitment to the national company to continue working incessantly, to be better every day and to increase productive results.

The distinction, granted by the National Union of Agricultural, Forestry and Tobacco Workers, as well as by the Ministry of Agriculture to this center, responds to the efforts that its workers make every day in order to contribute to the feeding of the people and the genetic improvement of breeds throughout the country.

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