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They found an adult’s T-shirt with blood stains near the orange grove

August 25, 2024 – 15:45

It’s been more than 10 months since the disappearance of Danilo Peña Loan in Corrientes and, although different hypotheses are being considered, there is still no certainty about what happened to the 5-year-old boy. In this context, New elements found near the orange grove could lead to a change in the case.

During an operation carried out at the place where Loan was last seen, authorities found a T-shirt with blood stains, two burlap bags and a bucket with possible traces of bloodaccording to Noticias Argentinas.

Sources in the case said that The shirt found is an adult’s shirt, white, with short sleeves, black stripes on the sides and the Nike logo.

The researchers They requested an analysis to compare the blood traces with Loan’s DNA. and determine whether the person wearing the shirt is linked to the child’s disappearance.

Meanwhile, one of the burlap bags contained animal feed with the inscription “Alberto Pietro concentration bovine line.”

A second one was also found inside it. bag with red spotswhich It is suspected that they could be bloodwhich will also be analyzed to determine whether or not it corresponds to the missing minor.

Also A human footprint was found in the mud near the orange groveThe mark belongs to an adult and the type of footwear that could have left it is being investigated.

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73 days after the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña: how the case continues

All of this information comes 73 days after Loan disappeared. He was last seen at lunch with his father at his grandmother Catalina’s house.

Los Rakes since then have been carried out by the Corrientes Policepassing through the Federal Police and the National Gendarmerie and none of this had been found, or at least it had not come to light.

So far, the case is in the hands of the federal judge of Goya, Cristina Pozzer Penzo, with seven arrested (former naval captain Carlos Guido Perez, his partner, former municipal official of 9 de Julio Maria Victoria Caillava, commissioner Walter Maciel, Loan’s uncle Antonio Benitez, his wife Laudelina Pena, Daniel “Fierrito” Ramirez and his partner Monica Millapi).

Arrested in the case of Loan Danilo Peña.png

Meanwhile, former police officer Francisco Méndez, who was accused of being Maciel’s “informant,” was released a few weeks ago, but remains linked to the case.

In addition to these findings, the Federal Court ordered New tests on the vehicles of Caillava and Pérezin relation to a theory suggesting that Loan may have died in a road accident and that her body was hidden.

This hypothesis was raised by Laudelina Peña’s former lawyer, Jose Fernandez Codazzi, who even suggested that the boy’s remains might appear in a lagoon.

Given this situation, Macarena Peña, cousin of the youngest and eldest daughter of Laudelina, slipped the possibility that they are preparing to plant a body at that location.

What is Fernando Burlando’s hypothesis about Loan’s whereabouts?

While different hypotheses are being evaluated in the investigation into Loan’s disappearance, the legal representative of the Peña family, Fernando Burlando suggested that it could be a case of pedophilia.

I have no doubt that it is a question of trafficking“, he said during his appearance on La Noche de Mirtha. “I think he is not in the country, that he crossed the border,” said the lawyer regarding the possibility that Loan is in Brazil.


Loan case: an adult’s T-shirt with blood stains was found near the orange grove

In this regard, the lawyer was also harsh with the authorities of Corrientes who dismiss this problem in the province. Likewise, He considered that the investigation is “disoriented” and that “it gives the impression that they want to maintain this level of commitment to all the people detained and not move on to what is important, which is to find Loan.”

In fact, he said that Loan could be the victim of a pedophile ring or that he could be with “some family due to the explosion that all this generated.”

Regarding the controversy that arose when it was learned that the little boy’s brothers received million-dollar transfers in a virtual wallet, Burlando considered that “This has to do with the kindness of people. Like many court cases in Argentina, the issue has entered into every home in the country. I think this is a demonstration by the people for a family that really has needs and needs the money.” Source: TN and El Doce.

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