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They formally integrate the AGT; “revitalized labor movement”: Gómez Urrutia

Mexico City. The General Association of Workers of Mexico (AGT) was formally established this morning during an assembly in which the leader of the miners and federal deputies Napoleón Gómez Urrutia said that this collective effort is born from the conviction that together we can can address the challenges faced in the workplace and achieve real change for the benefit of employees.

The new labor union was made up of the unions of miners, telephone operators, the Metro collective transport system, and Monte de Piedad, as well as the Mexican Regional Workers Conference (CROM), the Revolutionary confederations of Workers and Peasants (CROC) and Workers, Peasants and Employees of Mexico (COCEM).

During the constitutive assembly held at the Congress Unit of the IMSS Siglo XXI National Medical Center, Gómez Urrutia stressed that the union struggle must be shared and recognized by government institutions and society as a whole.

“Dialogue with the government and institutions is essential to advance in the defense and expansion of our rights. We want to build bridges of communication and collaboration that allow us to negotiate and discuss necessary reforms to guarantee fair and equitable working conditions for all. Our objective is not to confront, but to work together, from reason and justice, to build a better future for the working class of Mexico,” he stressed.

The Morena deputy highlighted that the road ahead is not easy, when there are “pseudo union organizations that only seek political power without benefit to the workers’ bases, but we are convinced that with perseverance and the firmness of our convictions, “We can achieve what we set out to do.”

He pointed out that although in the last six years it was possible to reverse the anti-labor policy of past administrations, the reality is that on the eve of a globalized future and with the relocation of companies in Mexico “we are called to have an organized and solid response.”

The importance of unity and solidarity has never been clearer than at this moment. “Our country needs a revitalized labor movement, one that is based on dialogue, respect and mutual cooperation,” he said.

Before a full auditorium and the union leaders who made up the new organization, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia said that together they are stronger. “The voice of one can be heard, but the voice of thousands can change the course of our history.”

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