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“They force us to be bouncers, disconcerting” – Targatocn.it

We are pleased that Draghi’s DPCM on the Green Pass had the immediate effect of the vaccination rush but we are disconcerted by the fact that companies and workers are required to undertake the control activity. A car manufacturer is not sanctioned if the driver travels by car without insurance“so the president of Confartigianato Piemonte, Giorgio Felici, about the mandatory nature of the Green Pass.

Although favorable to the green card, from Confartigianato Piemonte raise some doubts: “The obligation of the Green Pass is transformed into a sort of strict responsibility that also falls on artisans and traders. We would not have expected sanctions from 400 to 1000 euros from a government paid to development and restart: we have already known the anti-entrepreneurial resentment in the past. After months and months of closures, restrictions, red and orange areas, we did not expect to be forced to act as bouncers for our customers, adding, to the other duties, also that of control with the related sanctioning risks. Not only that, we will also have to check the age of the youngest, given the limit of 12 years“.

To continue working we have adapted to spacings, masks, gels, plexiglass, sanitizations, all at our expense. We are absolutely in favor of the obligation of the Green Pass, but it is unacceptable that the responsibilities are passed on to artisans and merchants, forcing them to behave as bouncers or to equip themselves with additional personnel in charge of checks. And this does not mean that we accept to be associated with the no-vax or no-mask. We are simply workers who wish they could work. In safety, but without being forced to carry out checks that are not our responsibility” conclude Happy.

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