Home » today » Entertainment » They find 25 houses for Marina Vitela, Morena’s candidate in Durango

They find 25 houses for Marina Vitela, Morena’s candidate in Durango

A total of 25 properties in the cities of Lerdo, Durango and Gómez Palacio are registered in the name of Alma Marina Vitela Rodríguez, a candidate for the government of Durango for the coalition made up of Morena and the Green Ecologist parties of Mexico (PVEM), Labor ( PT) and Progressive Social Networks (RSP).

According to documents that circulate in the entity and that are public, the standard-bearer has 10 properties in her name in Lerdo, 11 in Gómez Palacio, where she is mayor with license, and four more in the capital.

Among these properties, the one located at Avenida Géminis 1840, in the Morelos II subdivision, in the city of Gómez Palacio, stands out, since it coincides with the address that was registered in the articles of incorporation of the company Crib Ingeniería SAPI de CV, in which they appear as shareholders his children Ricardo Corazón, Laura Isabel and Alejandra Elizabeth, all three with surnames Orona Vitela.

On May 17, EL UNIVERSAL reported that Crib Engineering SAPI de CV could have triangulated municipal resources through other companies at the time that Marina Vitela Rodríguez was mayor of the municipality of Gómez Palacio.

Both in the Public Registry of Commerce and in the tax status certificate, Crib Ingeniería SAPI de CV, has the address of Avenida Géminis 1840, which supports what was previously reported, and which was denied by the brunette with the argument of who had no support.

To this we must add that Vitela Rodríguez has made public her training as a nurse and then her career in public positions, especially legislative, where the income received would not be enough to acquire the 25 properties indicated, whose cadastral value is estimated at more than 75 million pesos.

Most of the properties have an extension of between 200 and 600 square meters, but one stands out, located in the municipality of Lerdo, which, according to the Public Registry of Property and Commerce of Durango, measures 828 square meters.

It is followed by a property whose property has an area of ​​598 square meters and is located in the municipality of Gómez Palacio, in the Comarca Lagunera region.

It is worth mentioning that the company of the children of the Morena candidate, established with an initial capital of 50 thousand pesos, invoiced more than 60 million to the Gómez Palacio city council.


Among those who defended the Morena candidate and questioned the veracity of the information, three characters stand out: Otniel García, president of Morena in Durango, linked to 12 properties that exceed 130 million pesos, and who took protest as a leader of his party in Gómez Palacio to José Iván Rosas, arrested a few years ago in what was then the Federal District (today Mexico City) for sending a bomb disguised as a “gift” to a woman; he was convicted of attempted murder.

In recent days, García Navarro stood out because he wanted to become a notary before the current administration ends.

The second is Hugo Rosales Badillo, alternate candidate in the capital of Durango and president of Progressive Social Networks.

He was Secretary General of the Government at the beginning of the administration of Duranguense Jorge Herrera Caldera and is linked to alleged acts of corruption with Infonavit, through the Molrod Office, which imprisoned magistrates and judges from Nayarit for stripping owners of their properties and resell them through the housing institute.

The third is the campaign coordinator for Alma Marina Vitela, Roy Gómez Olguín, singled out for diversion of public resources and right arm of Roberto Sandoval, former governor of Nayarit, who is incarcerated in the El Rincón prison in that state, and who in All the local processes were operated by former prosecutor Edgar Veytia, a prisoner in New York, United States.

All of the above contrasts with what was said by the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, at the closing ceremony of the brunette’s campaign. The official spoke out for punishing the corrupt who have looted the state of Durango with the vote against.

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