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they fell in love in the house of GFVip- Corriere.it

from Entertainment editing

The former swimmer says goodbye to the princess on social media: «We tried, but it is not possible to continue, from today everyone goes their own way. Without hard feelings ”

It came to terminus the love story between Manuel Bortuzzo, the swimmer injured in Rome by a gunshot to the back which left him paralyzed in 2019, and Princess Lucrezia Hailé Selassié known as Lulu, one of the Selassié princesses descendants of the homonymous dynastydethroned in 1974. Una love story which had thrilled the spectators of the «Big Brother Vip».

«In this month since the end of the” Gf Vip “we have understood that remarkable differences of views between us they can no longer be overcome – wrote the young Bortuzzo on social media -. Unfortunately we tried, but it is not possible to continue, from today everyone goes his own way, without rancor. I sincerely thank – continues Manuel – all those who have supported and loved me and Lulu and they believed in usbut unfortunately that of the “Big Brother” House remains one beautiful parenthesis which she could not find feedback in real life».

Shortly after theofficialization of Bortuzzoarrived there confirmation of the princess. Who in a live on Instagram wanted to give his version of the facts, denying the rumors according to which between her and Manuel’s family relations weren’t good. But letting it be understood that some difficulty actually occurred: «I wanted to tell everyone that unfortunately this news is true, obviously unfortunately because this was not the program of our relationship. However, it is neither my fault nor Manu’s fault. IS third party fault who got in the way of this relationship, trying to put us against».

“Obviously not people from the my family – Lulu continued -. As soon as they met Manu they immediately had affection for him, however, they always had good intentions with him, it is not that they had a negative thought. Unfortunately there was not the opposite from his family to me, even if I have been a very very friendly person ». The princess then concluded: «And to all those who say that it was known that this would be the caseabsolutely not because in the last two weeks we have struggled a lot to ensure that these heavy situations and what people were saying do not affect us. For go beyondbecause our love was stronger».


April 25, 2022 (change April 25, 2022 | 18:21)

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