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They extend maternity and paternity leave for state: what are the changes

The Government of Buenos Aires extended this Thursday the license for state workers, with a perspective of gender equality, children’s rights, intersectionality and non-discrimination, and by which the use of the term “parental leave” is privileged instead of licenses ” by maternity “or” by paternity “.

Now, to the 90 days that the mother counted, 45 days will be added that she can use totally or split with the father, who also benefits from an extension of his paternity leave from three to 15 days.

With the aim of recognizing and granting rights for the different types of family conformations that exist, as well as contemplating a series of vicissitudes in personal and family life that did not find a place in the current laws, other changes are also incorporated such as licenses for more extensive adoption to achieve the strengthening of ties with the new family. It will go from 90 days to a period of between 120 and 180 days, depending on the age of the child.

Meanwhile, for those who adopt a child between the ages of six and ten, they will be able to access a 150-day leave with pay. While licenses for the birth of a child with a disability of up to 180 calendar days are contemplated, other types of licenses are extended, such as for specific reasons or issues, which will go from five to six days.

At the same time, the leave due to the death of the parental co-responsible will go from two or three days to a period of one to three months, depending on the age of the minor son or daughter; and the leave for sick relative care will be added another period of fifteen days to the twenty that were already stipulated; and the license for school adaptation will be considered. A license for assisted fertilization treatment of ten days per year will also be established.

“It is a more modern regime and makes it consistent with the conquests of the time,” said Governor Axel Kicillof during the ceremony he led at the provincial Government House, together with the Labor Ministers, Mara Ruiz Malec; of Health, Nicolás Kreplak; de las Mujeres, Estela Díaz, and different representatives of the unions.

The provincial government specified that the agreement on working conditions signed by representatives of the State and trade unions enrolled in Laws 10,430 and 10,471 implies “a better, more equitable and inclusive regime, helping to reduce gender inequalities and accounting for recent cultural, social and economic changes “.

“We are meeting to consecrate new rights for workers,” said the governor, and indicated that “it was time to recover lost rights.” And he celebrated that “this change in the licensing regime is better, more equitable and more inclusive.”

“When it was my turn to be a father, I did not have this right. I do not plan to be one again, but I congratulate you for this cultural change. We are building a fairer future,” continued the governor, highlighting the progress in licensing for adaptation school, private affairs and adoption. “It means a change for family and personal life and for the community. It is an immense advance for the province, it is modern and innovative,” he closed. Later, Ruiz Malec stated that “it is a pride to belong to a governor who expands rights in each step he takes and does so through dialogue and agreements.” (DIB) FD

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