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They exposed how Petkov corrupts democracy and for whom it is the greatest shame

GERB MEP Asim Ademov wrote a critical comment on social media on the occasion of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov. According to him, “the person is in the situation of a usurper of the post of Prime Minister and is harmful to Bulgaria. Here is what else Ademov wrote:

The person Kiril Petkov, who is already in the situation of a usurper of the post of Prime Minister, is dangerous and harmful for Bulgaria, for our democratic system, which is collapsing with its irresponsibility, incompetence and greed for power!

In Europe, in a democratic world, any prime minister who has lost parliamentary support wants a vote of confidence or resigns! But this is what true leaders, highly responsible, moral, honest and democrats, do.

Kiril Petkov is not like that at all, he is a destroyer of the principles of democracy!

Kiril Petkov corrupts democracy by buying deputies for support!

Kiril Petkov behaves like Prosto Kiro, the peddler of carrot juice, who makes scandals to keep his place on the market for his stall!

But the greatest shame and disgrace is for the fake Democrats from the DB, who support the destroyer of our democracy! It is a shame and disgrace for the DB, which because of its hatred against GERB, rehabilitated the Communist Party BSP, rehabilitated Cornelia Ninova, rehabilitated the communist policeman Boyko Rashkov, rehabilitated the face Rumen Gechev!

Just Kiro, Hristo Ivanov, Atanas Atanasov, Cornelia Ninova and the others – Continue the Shame

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