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They explode against Spiriman before his “miraculous” recovery

It has been a month since the controversial doctor Jesus Candel, known as Spiriman, declared that he had overcome the cancer that was diagnosed last August. “Cancer has disappeared from my body,” he pointed out in a video posted on his YouTube channel and entitled ‘The force of purpose’. In this video the doctor pointed out that the miracle of his recovery was that the disease obeyed his mind, since he wanted to be cured.

These statements by Spiriman have triggered thousands of criticisms on social networks, where they express their indignation with the doctor and even ask that he be professionally disqualified from the College of Physicians. Many relatives of people who have suffered or suffer from cancer have not hesitated to show their anger with these types of statements, and without a doubt, they have had the support of many people who have also shared their experiences.

“My mother, one of the most feisty people I know, suffered from breast cancer for more than 10 years, undergoing surgery several times and with very hard moments, and now I have to listen to Spiriman’s ASSUPY say that it is cured only if do you want? “wrote the account @Basiluisco.

In addition, the same account added his experience in oncology laboratories: “Nor do I spend every day in a molecular oncology group watching fellow researchers break their backs to find new therapies and help people so that later this idiot comes to you. in happy flower mode “.

The Twitter account @gmaemejota also wanted to express itself in this regard and commented: “Spiriman is cured of a terminal cancer with metastasis with his” inner strength “, coincidentally when the sentence of Paco Sanz comes out. What are they waiting for to disqualify him from the College of Doctors? He has laughed at all the patients who really suffer from this disease. ” A publication that went viral and everyone compared Spiriman’s situation with that of Paco Sanz, who invented that he had cancer to earn money.

In this sense, the account @Andresnosenada also compared the doctor with Paco Sanz. “Spiriman. This enlightened man said that he had terminal cancer and” that he who wants to be cured is cured and he who does not die “, now he says that he has been cured with his inner strength and by a miracle. The only difference between Paco Sanz and” this “is that one was looking for pasta and” this “followers.

Some users of the Twitter social network have even requested jail time for Spriman. “Spiriman says that if you die of cancer it is because you want to. And this jail doesn’t have, right?” Wrote the account @ protestona1. This publication had a lot of support, since it had almost 3,000 ‘likes’ and almost 800 retweets.

Your imagination saves you

After this barrage of criticism of his person, Spiriman is still just as active on social networks and has confessed an experience he lived the night of August 6, two days after he was diagnosed with cancer. “That night I let my imagination be the greatest emotion that invaded my conscience. I lay down on a deck chair in my garden to see the stars,” says Spiriman in a video posted on his Facebook profile.

“At that moment I imagined my tumor, and I imagined him as a little boy, a very spoiled little boy who had done what he wanted with a tremendous ego and had messed with my body a monumental mess. My lungs, my heart, my bones, my kidneys, my liver, he had done what he wanted with me, “the activist continued.

“It was then when I imagined around that tumor a hedge of fir trees and I made a hedge with these trees. I made him a typical little house that we drew when we were children and I put a chair, a goal, a racket, and I told him here you’re going to stay, entertained, I gave him a few stories and I imagined him that way, distracted. ” confesses.

In the words of Jesús Candel, this introspection exercise gave him tremendous inner peace, providing a feeling of “balance, harmony and tranquility.” In this way, Spiriman got to work and together with an admirable mental strength he was in charge of fixing the damage that cancer was causing in every pore of his body.

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