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they empty your wallet while you are in the checkout line

Supermarket: pay attention to the most common scam. In times of inflation and continuous price increases, you risk that your wallet will be emptied while you are in the checkout line.

Queue at the supermarket – Nanopress.it

With the continuing price increases and inflation underway, many trade cunning are putting in place a series of tricks aimed at defrauding consumers.

It is good to pay close attention to scams that take place inside supermarkets: you risk going out with your wallet emptied while you are in the checkout line.

In reality, it is a real “crafty” strategy implemented by producers as early as the sixties and seventies when they changed the packaging and packaging of food products rather than increase prices.

The commercial strategy was put in place to cope with theuncontrolled inflation. What strategy are we talking about? Let’s find out in this guide.

Supermarket: watch out for the shrinkflation technique

Lo shrinkflation it is a marketing technique that large companies are increasingly resorting to to increase profit margins.

The price to buy for a particular product purchased is the same, but in exchange you buy a product with a smaller package size.

supermercato shrinkflation – Nanopress.it

The cost that is paid for a food product is always the same, but inside the package the quantity is lower. At the quantity reduction a new packaging or a visual renewal of the brand is often associated in such a way as to transform a captivating product.

Codacons denounced this marketing technique with a complaint to the Antitrust and several Italian prosecutors. As stated by Massimiliano Dona, President of the National Consumers Unionreducing the quantity of the food product is a legitimate practice, provided that the consumer is not deceived by misleading him with respect to the price actually charged.

Supermarket: watch out for these brands

A user on Reddit reported the Barilla: two packs of rigatoni were bought at the same price, but in reality they have different weights. One is equal to 454 grams, while the other is equal to 410 grams.

supermercato shrinkflation – Nanopress.it

In addition, the brand was also reported Nestle: the products are sold at the same price but the packages are smaller.

Also the famous Swiss chocolate bar Toblerone it went from 200 to 170 grams of product in 2010. The shrinkflation technique allows manufacturing companies to cope with the highest production costs.

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