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They emphasize the importance of physical activity

Photo: Ilustrativa / Taken from pixabay.com.-

BEAUTIFUL, SON.- Performing physical activity helps reduce the risk of suffering from non-communicable diseases, improves mood and prevents or eliminates stress, anxiety and depression, reported Estefanía Mendoza Figueroa.

The teacher in sports education indicated that these tips are to benefit the physical and mental health of people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, maintaining periods of activation in the day also helps control overweight, obesity and the percentage of body fat; as well as increases bone density that contribute to the integral development of people, especially in children and young people.

“An exercise can be very useful in creating healthy habits, who does not find time to exercise, sooner or later will have to find time for an illness,” he explained.

He expressed that in this population range (children and young people), it improves the maturation and skills of the motor nervous system, reduces the risk of diabetes, breast and colon cancer, among others.

“Physical activity has multiple advantages for the circulatory, respiratory, locomotor and nervous systems,” he said.

Being in constant movement will not only serve to prevent diseases, but, in case of contracting them, it will allow us to correct them with a balanced diet.

He recommended that they dedicate at least 150 minutes a week to practicing physical activity, two or more times a week, such as: walking, dancing, walking or aerobics.

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