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They drowned while saving their 4-year-old daughter. Łukasz was the Polish champion

On Tuesday, a huge tragedy occurred on Lake Mikołajskie. The media reported about death of a couple from Chotomów. A couple drowned while saving their four-year-old daughter. During a boat trip, the girl ended up in the water under unknown circumstances. The terrified parents immediately rushed to help her, jumping into the lake. Unfortunately, they did not swim out.

Parents drowned while saving daughter. Four-year-old girl left as an orphan

The four-year-old girl, wearing a life jacket, was fished out of the lake by sailors. The bodies of her parents – Łukasz and Patricia – was pulled out of the water only a day later. The orphaned girl was taken to hospital, from where she was then picked up by her grandfather. The senior said that his daughter informed him on Sunday that she, her husband and child were leaving for Masuria.

The man who drowned in Masuria is a Polish champion

As it turns out, the 32-year-old man who drowned in Masuria was involved in powerlifting and he was in this discipline multiple Polish champion. He trained every day in MKS Wicher Kobyłka club. Shocked colleagues said goodbye to Łukasz on social media.

We regret to inform you that long-time competitor of MKS Wicher Kobyłka, multiple Polish Champion in Powerlifting and Bench Press – Łukasz Doruch, on July 30 he died a tragic death together with his wife Patricia. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones. And to all those who would like to participate in the last journey of Łukasz and Patrycja, we inform that the funeral mass will take place on August 5 at 2 p.m. in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Chotomów. After the mass, there will be a walk to the local cemetery. – we read in the statement under the black and white photo of the man.

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I sail in Masuria and abroad. Every self-respecting and thinking person wears a life jacket when sailing out into deep water. I will add that the rule is simple. The helmsman/captain has the authority and as he orders, so it must be and this person should always think about themselves and others. It is not like children put them on because they are small or that they cannot swim. Even those who can put them on and that’s it. Are you ashamed of wearing a large life jacket? Then invest in an automatic life jacket that looks like suspenders, although I don’t know what to be ashamed of? That you are an intelligent person and think about your own and others’ safety? As you can see, the same problem on the water as on a bike. Children in helmets and parents without, and in any accident the child will somehow come out of it and the parent in the worst situation will have a concussion and a fractured skull. People, if you love your child, the rule is simple, first you protect yourself and then your child and let them follow your example.

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A terrible tragedy, they shouldn’t rent out motorboats, boats, water bikes to people without permission. 😪

Why didn’t they have life jackets? The child did and survived. A great tragedy and a lesson for everyone: do you want to go on vacation, recreationally, boating on a lake? Put on a life jacket!

This is an example of another tragedy that could have been avoided if the people involved had taken care of their own safety. The first rule of rescue – a rescuer should take care of their own safety first. How many more of these tragedies do we need to learn? – That when lifeguards hang out a red flag on the beach, it’s not to spite you, to ruin your vacation, but for your safety, so that you return from this vacation alive, – that when you go out to the lake, the sea, any deep body of water, put on a life jacket, it can save your life and there’s no shame in wearing it, – that when a storm is coming in the Tatras, don’t rush to Giewont, just go down, and you’ll reach the peak next time, and don’t take your children on trails you have no idea about, I saw a lot of them on Orla Perć…

Unfathomable tragedy. Young people and a child who will live with trauma for the rest of her life. Grandparents who were left with this little one, my deepest condolences. You are now both Grandparents and Parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Latest comments (101)

Scary and stupid at the same time… this tragedy could have been avoided if they had been wearing life jackets… Sometimes a person thinks they are young, strong, almost immortal… we have no chance against the elements, whether it’s water or fire… The poor child was left an orphan, it’s a shame, it’s terrible to lose both parents at the same time 😢😢😢 May they rest in peace

I guess they couldn’t swim.

it’s the apocalypse and it won’t spare anyone, you may not believe it but it will get you

the police should write tickets and take away the rights of people without life jackets imposed on them, this is not a beach

The comments are full of experts, as usual. I don’t know what people are doing on the podium with such great knowledge and experience in every possible subject. You can be a great swimmer, have a panic attack and sink to the bottom and that’s it for your swimming skills. If it were otherwise, doctors wouldn’t die, professional drivers wouldn’t die in accidents and plane pilots wouldn’t crash into the ground… Nothing is known about the accident yet and the comments are already full of tall tales about how it happened and whose fault it was. Wait patiently for the results of the investigation and you’ll find out. The child is 4 years old, when they question him, a lot will probably become clear. Until then, we should refrain from comments slandering the parents for their alleged stupidity and above all, the media should refrain from posting unverified information, because there was already information about this event that the father was not the father, that the child peed overboard, that the child slipped, that the mother jumped in first, then the father, and then that he and then she, now it’s possible that two boats collided… What purpose does this serve? First explain the circumstances of the event and then write

People who brag about their wonderful, lavish lives on FB often lack basic principles of reason, this is an example

by 2030 a lot of people will die and it’s not a joke


3 hours ago

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It is not for nothing that they say that a drowning person will grasp at straws. He would literally grasp at straws, a knife, anything, just to catch his breath and get his head to the surface. Thinking is switched off, and the desire to survive is switched on. That is why when we see a drowning person, and we are on a boat, let’s swim up and give him a rope or a paddle, which are part of the equipment of every boat in Masuria, and if we have nothing and we are in the water with the drowning person, we take off our swimming trunks, panties, whatever, give them to the drowning person and tow them. We never rescue directly because they will drag us to the bottom with them. And here, unfortunately, it was most likely the case, one of them dragged the other with them. And so the mystery of why two people who were good swimmers went down is solved. A story as old as the world.

Both yachts and motorboats are rented by people without licenses, often without swimming skills – no comment!

The father should have jumped into the water and the mother should have stayed on the boat, why did they both jump into the water! Panic! And more panic Young people And their lives are over, I feel sorry for the child because he was left an orphan. Everyone should be trained!

Isn’t it strange that the bodies were at 11m depth? Maybe it’s suicide?

Strange thing

5 hours ago

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I feel very sorry for the family. The case is a bit strange though, the child was in a life jacket so even if it fell out it didn’t go under the water. Why didn’t they have life jackets?

It is obvious that social media in Kobyłka is taken over by some neck with or without a high school diploma. Spelling errors and the phrase heartfelt condolences …. ??? Heartfelt can be a smile or a hug and condolences are sincere or heartfelt. I wonder what the child will say at the audition. He trained and squeezed his neck because appearance is important and learning to swim ??? why? You can’t see it 🙁 So if you can’t swim, sit on the grass under a tent and don’t go out on the lake in a boat, and without a life jacket. Drama for the families and for the child himself. Hopefully the family is willing to raise him, otherwise the child will end up in an orphanage.

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