Home » News » “They don’t know what they want! “: Calvados goes back to 80 km / h, motorists are annoyed

“They don’t know what they want! “: Calvados goes back to 80 km / h, motorists are annoyed

Between Caen and Lisieux, even to overtake one of the many trucks that take the D613, station not to exceed 80 km / h since February 1. Following an appeal by the League against road violence, the administrative court ordered the Department of Calvados to go back to 80 km / h the axes that he had given to 90 km / h. A “flaw”, according to the community press release, which again changes the speed on some 28 roads.

Among them, therefore, the D613, former National 13, between Caen and Lisieux. A busy artery of Calvados, equipped with radars, again set to 80 km / h. “It’s nonsense, critical Jacques. An ex-national like that must be at 90 km/h. The configuration of the axis, with several three-lane crossings, had already raised the hair of many motorists at the time of the change of regulations at the initiative of the government in 2018. But even more than the speed itself, it’s the yoyo that particularly annoys today.

“They don’t know what they want, plague Christine. If 80 km/h brings benefits, let them leave at 80 without going back to 90 in a few months! “However, if Calvados has not appealed the court decision, it has relaunched a study on the advisability of ironing the 28 axes concerned at 90 km/h. “They change too often. We’re lost, ”says Michel, who tries to follow the signs on the side of the road as diligently as possible. This is the fear of many road users. Didier drove to Honfleur this Thursday, February 2, with suspicion. “Are they going to take the opportunity to put PVs? He asks, smiling. The period at 80 km/h did not last very long. I think I was driving at 90. We’ll have to do it again. “And this Calvadosien to question:” They say that everyone is supposed to know that it has gone back to 80 km / h. But will people on the outside find out? »

The feeling of confusion is increased by the absence of signs on many sections, due to this return to the basic rule. About signage, a motorist raises the tone: “What I would like to know is the cost of these 90 panels that we remove and that we will perhaps put back soon. Whether we drive at 80 or 90 is not the problem. That’s the money we’re going to spend on all of this. The soap opera continues. The RD 613 and its Calvados counterparts await the outcome of the departmental study. Until then, the 90 signs are hibernating, far from the edges of the roads.

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