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They discuss the measurement of the work environment at the “Niños de Acosta Ñu” pediatric hospital

The socialization of Resolution DGRR.HH. No. 6563/2022 “By which the instrument for measuring the work environment is approved and the procedure for implementation in the dependencies of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare is established” was carried out at the Pediatric General Hospital “Niños de Acosta Ñú”.

The event was led by the Workplace Climate Management Section and representatives from the Human Relations Management Department, which depend on the Human Resources Development Directorate, of the General Directorate of Human Resources. It was attended by heads and officials from the Administrative Directorate, the Human Resources, Staff Welfare, Nursing and IT Departments.

The study addressed the concept, general and specific objectives, benefits of measuring the work environment, scope, universe of study, inclusion and exclusion criteria, methodology, ethical considerations and analysis plan.

The opportunity was also taken to present the questionnaire “About my Work”, prepared by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which is being implemented by the Work Environment Management Section. At the end of the activity, participants received informative materials.

Measuring the work environment

The work environment refers to a set of organizational, human and physical factors, relatively permanent in a specific work environment, which influence staff satisfaction and, therefore, productivity.

Its purpose is to contribute to improving the organizational climate through actions that strengthen organizational communication, soft skills and leadership in the management team, managers, coordinators of the Ministry of Health, labor relations and teamwork.

Its general objectives include identifying the level of job satisfaction of officials and contracted personnel in the different departments of the health portfolio, as well as designing and proposing plans and programs to improve the organizational climate for the different departments of the institution, aimed at improving and optimizing the work environment.

As for its specific objectives, it is necessary to obtain statistical information to be used in institutional improvement action plans, to identify sources of conflict that may negatively influence the organizational climate, and to promote good practices that result in a positive work environment.

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