Home » today » News » They did not sleep because of the techno party, the court awarded Central Bohemia tens of thousands of damages

They did not sleep because of the techno party, the court awarded Central Bohemia tens of thousands of damages

Nova reported on the case on Sunday, according to it it was a techno party near Sluštice near Prague, which lasted for three days between June 17 and 19, 2016. People in the area could not sleep, according to them, noise from sound systems did not allow them.

“It was an unbelievable mess, such primitive sounds, it wasn’t music, it was a dozen dozen,” Nova quoted one of the plaintiffs. The man filed a civil lawsuit with the rest of the population, and after four years, a group of people succeeded.

The verdict was confirmed to Tuesday by the court spokeswoman Zuzana Steinerová. “Two defendants were ordered to pay each of the eight plaintiffs jointly and severally 10,000 crowns,” the spokeswoman said, adding that the costs of the roughly four-year proceedings amounted to 26,200 crowns, which were also borne by the defendants.

The decision is final. “It was decided by default – the defendants did not appear at the hearing, they did not receive the mail. The plaintiffs’ claims in such a case are considered undisputed and the court can decide on the basis of them, “Steiner added.

According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Martin Vala, quoted by the television, this was the first lawsuit to be successful in the case of non-pecuniary damage under civil law.

The success of the lawsuit is also due to the fact that the organizers of the event were identified. For similar summer techno parties, it is usually not clear what specific people organize it.

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