Home » today » Health » They did not pay for the “vaccine” and they put a block of dynamite

They did not pay for the “vaccine” and they put a block of dynamite

An unpleasant surprise was received by an employee of a metal recycling company, located in block 2 of Bastión Popular, in the northwest of Guayaquil. Opening the door, he realized that next to her was a wad of dynamite. The discovery was made the morning of this Saturday February 25th.

An allegation of the business owner said that the criminal attack occurred because they did not accept pay the $5,000 required in exchange for not attempting against his life or the establishment.

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“They contacted my relative at the Friday morning through WhatsApp messages. they asked him for money or else stick to it to the consequences,” he said.

He maintained that after the warning notified the police of the news and that the uniformed officers arrived at the site to collect information.

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“We didn’t think they were going to comply. In the morning when I opened the door I find the wad of dynamite. A the owner sent her some pictures where They showed him the explosive they were going to plant,” added the relative.

On the morning of this Saturday, February 25, police personnel He arrived at the scene to remove the explosive and gather evidence.

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