Cuban animal activists took to social networks to denounce an outrageous case that occurred in the province of Artemisa, where a well-known racehorse was unjustifiably confiscated and slaughtered for the sole purpose of consuming its meat.
The incident was reported by activist Yenney Caballero, who stated that the animal was in perfect health, and that the authorities said otherwise only so they could sacrifice the horse.
Caballero has maintained contact with the owners of the horse, known in the community as El Narco, noting that the horse was one that was still young and strong.
“I am outraged by the death of this animal, El Narco. He did not deserve to have such a sad ending, they confiscated him to take him to the slaughterhouse and eat him. Everyone who participated in this is a HP member. “This horse was strong, young, it did not deserve to be sacrificed,” wrote the animal defender.
The incident was also reported by the owners of the horse, who opened a Facebook profile that has been used to report what happened.
“My champion, what they did to you has no forgiveness from God, I ask for justice, the Singaos HP dogs sacrificed you, these ones who have no feelings. This is animal abuse, share the publication so that the world can see what is seen here in Cuba,” reads the profile, where they shared a video of the cruel way in which the animal was sacrificed.

Likewise, several publications shared in groups dedicated to raising horses revealed the discontent that the sacrifice of this specimen caused, accusing the livestock department of the San Antonio de los Baños municipality of having given the order to kill it, this after alleging that the animal suffered from an anemic infection.
This version was denied by the animal’s owner, who had performed some tests on the horse shortly before the authorities announced their decision.
“They cannot go around the farms seizing horses to sacrifice without probable cause. From our platform we demand irrefutable evidence of the examination of the animal showing the supposed anemic infection,” demanded one of the members of the group ‘The truth of the walking horses of Cuba, friends around the world’.

In the comments, several Internet users were outraged by what happened, pointing out that the regime could say anything on television, but that the animals were not yet protected on the Island.
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