Home » today » World » They denounce the murder of a young mother in Villa Clara – 2024-05-03 04:08:06

They denounce the murder of a young mother in Villa Clara – 2024-05-03 04:08:06

Independent feminist platforms on the Island reported that a young Cuban mother had been murdered by her ex-partner in the municipality of Manicaragua, in the province of Villa Clara.

As indicated by the platform I do believe you in Cuba, The victim was identified as Yudely Chongo, who was allegedly killed between April 19 and 20 in the town of Mataguá.

After announcing what happened, this platform and the Gender Observatory of the magazine Alas Tensas (OGAT) are requesting information about the case, this to confirm if it was a feminicide.

If confirmed, Chongo’s death would be the 18th femicide recorded in Cuba since 2024 began, this through the under-registration managed by both feminist organizations.

It is important to note that this under-reporting depends largely on complaints made by the people, which is why both organizations have recognized that the number of femicides on the Island may be much higher.

However, the lack of transparency on the part of the authorities, as well as the silence maintained by the official media when it comes to cases like these, make it almost impossible to keep an exact count.

In that sense, the organizations have requested the support of the community.

“If you know of any case of extreme gender violence, contact the YSTCC Femicide Observatory or the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT).”

The last case to be officially confirmed It was that of Ariannis Torres Tamayo, 38 years old.who was killed in the “La Calabaza” neighborhood, located in the town of Chivirico, in Santiago de Cuba.

According to the information collected on that occasion, the woman left three children behind, and was attacked by her ex-partner with a knife.

“The alleged murderer worked in a Acopio car and she was in a motor and she got out in front of the market and he got out of his car and threw a knife at her and cut her face, then he grabbed her by the hair and slit her throat. ”, indicated journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada on his social networks.

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